9 Common IELTS Mistakes to Avoid
9 Common IELTS Mistakes to Avoid

Are you getting worried about your IELTS exam? Then it’s not a matter of getting panic rather we need to focus on the negligence of errors. It’s understood that mistakes are the part of any exam but a student can easily overcome it if he or she keenly observes the mistakes encountered by him. In IELTS exam a student has to be careful about his mistakes because it will lead him towards a successful path. Here in this article, we will be discussing the common IELTS mistakes to avoid, that usually students perform.

Incorporating more and more: Now, in IELTs exams what students mainly do is incorporating their own ideas without reading out the question carefully. So that students with keeping an intent of getting high marks. For example if you are asked to write not more than 5 words then it means that you have to write only 5 words. In order to avoid such mistakes they should read the question carefully.

Avoiding instructions with an intent to maximize length: Here, students usually avoid reading instruction. If they read it is only in a second. It is a really a non-serious attitude towards studies. If they are asked to write an essay with the length that varies from 400-500 then they should stick to that instruction. They can avoid all this by reading the instructions carefully.

Wrong grammatical structure: One the most common mistake which every student does just because they are unaware of the basics. In IELTS exam, it’s completely prohibited as there’s no penalty given to the students in this matter. They can avoid grammatical errors by practicing more. They can develop the habit of writing, speaking and listening so that they can come to know the flaws they made.

Longer text: Smart students usually think that if they maximize the length of the text they will have good marks. According to them, the examiner will get appealed and their chance to get high marks will be much increased. But they don’t know their perception is entirely wrong.

Switching to an immaterial subject: A common mistake all the students usually do is to change the subject. It is strictly prohibited that irrelevant text will be marked zero but students do that.

Cramming: Cramming is a favorite hobby of smart students. They think that if they will cram the text, they will get good marks. But they don’t know that their good memory can deceive them at any time. They mainly rely on their memory so that they could no longer be able to understand the text. Students can avoid this most common mistake by grasping the ideas on their own and also developing the habit of writing essays.

Confuse accent and pronunciation: In speaking test, mostly students speak a lot but their words are irregular. It entirely shows that they are creating and building up the accent. Remember, in IELTS exam pronunciation is important not the accent. In order to avoid such problems they should work on the sounds. Practice sounds are available for the exam preparation so that the problems can be demolished.

Use of connectors: Another mistake that most of the students do is the use of connectors. They are devoid of this fact that a good essay demands coherence and cohesion. They in this overuse the words which are marked wrong by the examiners. Students can easily avoid such mistakes by doing formal and relevant writing.

Use of Incorrect ideas: Surely an essay is made up of relevant ideas which are incorporated in any text. In IELTS exam, students incorporate the ideas without knowing the actual way of its incorporation. In any exam, ideas are not important but the way in which they are described makes its worth. Relevant ideas are always acknowledged by the examiners. Students can avoid all this by developing a reading habit.

Concluding the whole, students should keep themselves aware of all the pitfalls and good points of the test. The structure and practice material will really help them in attaining high score.