Difference between Anemia and Leukemia

Anemia is present when there is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood below the reference level for the age and gender of the individual. Anemia is defined as a state in which hemoglobin concentration is 2 standard deviations below the mean for that age or gender. Anemia is not a disease but is a symptom of another disease. Leukemia is a condition in which there is clonal proliferation of malignant stem cells in the bone marrow. Leukemia is present when more than 25 % blast cells are present in bone marrow aspirate.


Anemia may be caused by deficiency of iron, vitamin B 12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency and blood loss. Patient with anemia may be asymptomatic. Some may show symptoms of fatigue, headache, faintness, breathlessness or heart palpitations. On examination, we find pallor, tachycardia, murmur or cardiac failure. Anemia due to iron deficiency is the most common form in developing countries especially among children and females. Anemia with the signs of jaundice represents thalassemia or liver disease. To find out status of anemia, complete blood count is required which shows level of hemoglobin in blood. While to find out cause, peripheral smear is taken which shows shape and size of red blood cells. If the cells are small in size, it shows iron deficiency anemia. If cells are more than their normal size, it means there is deficiency of vitamin B 12 or folic acid.


Leukemia is divided into acute and chronic form. In most cases, leukemia develops for no known reason but sometimes a possible cause can be identified which includes ionizing radiations, cytotoxic medicines, viruses, genetic factors and immune system deficiency. Age of onset is biphasic, it may occur at the age of 3 to 5 years or after the age of 50 years. Diagnosis is based on the results of bone marrow biopsy. Treatment is aggressive and involves bone marrow transplantation.

Anemia VS Leukemia

Basic defect:

Anemia is deficiency of hemoglobin in blood.

Leukemia is abnormal production of white blood cells in blood.


Anemia is caused by deficiency of iron, vitamin b 12 and folic acid.

Leukemia is caused by radiations, immune defect, viruses and genetic defects.

Age group:

Anemia is common in children and women.

Leukemia is common in children and men.


Anemia can result in breathlessness, fatigue and loss of energy for daily work.

Leukemia can spread to other sites leading to death.


Anemia is diagnosed through CBC and peripheral smear.

Leukemia is diagnosed through bone marrow biopsy.


Anemia is treated through increased intake of iron, vitamin b 12 and folic acid.

Leukemia is treated through blood transfusion, chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant.


Anemia, if mild, cannot be dangerous but very severe anemia disturbs quality of life.

Leukemia can be life threatening without treatment.


Anemia and leukemia are blood disorders affecting different age groups. They are diagnosed through investigations based on the symptoms and treated accordingly.