These terms are mainly used in the medical field. “Concordance” and “compliance” are the terms that have uncommon implications in the medical field. In spite of the fact that these restorative terms have fairly comparable implications, they ought not to be mistaken for each other. Compliance alludes to how much a patient effectively takes after medicinal counsel. Concordance alludes to a procedure by which medicinal services proficient and a patient settle on choices mutually regarding treatment.


In medication, concordance depicts a procedure where the patient and doctor settle on choices about treatment. The opinions of the patient and the doctor are taken into account. The expression concordance has been acquainted with pharmaceutical to imply a more equivalent relationship among patients and doctors. The dialogue between the health professional and the patient is important to covey each other’s thoughts that must be respected by both parties. Here, the patient has an upper hand to make a decision regarding his diagnosis and treatment, after being provided with all the necessary medical information by the doctor. Both parties should be able to acknowledge the possible outcomes of potential treatment choices. Although the mutual decision is important, the doctors should also act on the basis of authentic clinical knowledge as the patient’s beliefs may be medically incorrect. The patient has the authority to decline a certain treatment or change their mind about it.


According to psychology, compliance is simply one’s behavior in response to someone’s command and guidance. Patient compliance can allude to the patient’s obedience to the treatment suggested by a doctor. This can incorporate taking the right dose of endorsed prescriptions at the right time, taking after prescribed eating routine and exercise routine, and so forth. Be that as it may, there are a few patients who deliberately or unexpectedly don’t take after the restorative counsel given by the doctor. Doctor compliance is the degree to which the doctor meets the demand of his professional responsibility.

Factors that affect the patient’s compliance:

Literacy of the patient

Cost of medication

Duration of the treatment

Psychological/behavioral factors

No distinct benefits of the previous treatment

Awareness of the disease

Compliance and Adherence

Compliance and adherence are clearly not similar. Compliance suggests the inactivity of the patient by completely following the doctor’s demands. The patient’s acceptance is based on a doctor’s assurance. Adherence allows the patient to have a more active responsibility. There’s absolute cooperation between the patient and the doctor. The patient’s acceptance is established on confidence and trust. Adherence is adopted over compliance because of mutual decision making.

Concordance VS Compliance

In this article, we are going to discuss the contrasts between these terms i.e. concordance and compliance, so that you can get clear understandings about their differences.


Concordance implies to a procedure in which patients and medical professionals decide mutually about treatment.

Compliance alludes to the level a patient properly follows medical advice and instructions.


Concordance portrays a more equivalent relationship among the patient and medicinal services provider.

Compliance depicts a relationship in which a patient has less authority so that he only follows the instructions and orders.


Concordance permits the patient to have more learning related to his treatment and his health.

Compliance might be affected by the patient’s learning about his medicines and health.


From the above article, we can conclude that both the terms i.e. concordance and compliance have some contrasts between them. Health professionals play a major role in the application of either compliance or concordance. Their attitudes, communication skills, and knowledge must be highly favorable to the patients instead of being the barrier to their health outcomes.What is your point of view?
