Difference between Desktop Computer and Laptop
Difference between Desktop Computer and Laptop

Difference between Desktop Computer and Laptop

Computers are the latest and most beneficial invention of science. Computer is a device which takes a command, follows this command gives us the result of that command. Abacus is the earliest known computer. Its working principal is based on four rules: first is to take information from user, second is to give him output, third is to store the information and finally, process the information. Modern system of computers has undergone number of changes. Its varieties include personal computer, minicomputer and computers at work station used by multiple persons at a time. Each one of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Desktop Computer

It is a type of personal computer (PC) which is built for customary use at a set location near bed or at a table. It is commonly used in homes, schools and offices. Its parts are CPU (central processing unit), keyboard, mouse and a monitor whereas speakers, printer and scanner can be added to it. They have a large storage capacity and space. Their uses include weather prediction, mathematical work, space technology and personal uses for advertisements. These computers were largely used in 19th and 20th century. In early times, it were large sized with a bit uncomfortable feeling to use these but with advancement their size reduced and these were more comfortable to use. But from the mid of 20th century, these were largely replaced by laptops.  These computers were known for their benefits like time saving and man power reduction.


Laptop is also called a ‘notebook computer’. It is a type of personal device which is portable due to its light weight. It has got two basic parts i.e. a keyboard and a thin lean screen. They have replaced personal desktop computers in mid of 20th century and now rarely one sees desktop computers. This computer is chargeable by electricity. It has got the advantage that we can connect it to our cell phones and transfer data immediately. As it is a portable device so we have to compromise over its resolution and keyboard size. It also affects shoulder joints as its user is normally bent over it slightly so it results in postural discomfort.

Desktop Computers VS Laptops


Desktop computers are relatively cheap.

Laptops are expensive depending upon their types.


PC cannot be carried along your office or at picnic.

Laptops are portable so they can be carried anywhere.


Desktop computers have more powerful processors.

Laptop processors have restricted power.


PC has a large keyboard as compared to laptops.

Laptops have small sized keyboard so they can be carried easily.


Desktop computers have almost 15 inches screen.

Laptops have a maximum of 12 inches screen.


Desktop PCs have high resolution.

Laptops have low resolution.

Ease of use:

Desktop PCs are a bit uncomfortable to use.

Laptops can easily be used in bed or at table.


Desktop PCs are easy to repair.

Laptops are difficult to repair.


Desktop computers and laptops have some advantages over one another but they also have limitations in their own way.