Difference between Gnostic and Agnostic

Gnostic and agnostic are the terms that are contrary to each other and show up in usually religious perspective among which a key contrast can be identified. At the point when talking about religion, there are non-believers as well as believers. Additionally, there exists one more class which does not have faith in the presence of God on the grounds that there is no investigative way in which it can be demonstrated. In a religious setting, “Gnostic” as a rule alludes to one who has information or one who looks for learning about God. “Agnostic” is the exact inverse, and they are persons who have no learning about the presence of God. This article talked about a portion of the ideas that are connected with these thoughts.


Gnostic is connected with the spiritual knowledge. This is resulted from Greek and signifies information. It is thought that this term was initially utilized by Christian journalists to allude to otherworldly information. This information is not rational, scientific type of information, but rather information or a firm believes on divine powers. These types of spiritually information appear differently in relation to the judicious learning since they can’t be examined, observed or studied. In the event that a man has a firm faith in God, higher force, and profound knowledge, such a man can be considered as a gnostic.


Agnostic alludes to somebody who is ignorant of the presence of God, or somebody who trusts that it is difficult to know the presence of God. This word ought not to be mistaken for the term atheism. An agnostic does not totally reject the presence of God. He simply trusts that there is no chance to get of knowing about God. An agnostic neglects to totally have believed in divine power. He requires exploratory proof. At the point when concentrating on the historical backdrop of the term, the word was authored by Thomas H. Huxley. He trusted that information is a consequence of material marvels.

Gnostic VS Agnostic

The distinction between these two terms are compressed in points which are as follow

  • Definition:

“Gnostic” is a term which alludes to one who has learning or one who looks for information about God.

 “Agnostic” is the exact inverse, and they are people who contains no information about the presence of God.

  • Believe:

Gnostic people usually think in illogical manner and have believed in various divine powers.

Agnostic are the people who thinks normally and don’t trust that there exists any divine power.

  • Claims:

A Gnostic individual is the one who usually claims 100% surety about the presence of God.

Agnostic individual is just dubious about the perfect presence of God.


From the above article we can conclude that Gnostic individual have 100% believe on the existence of God and its divine powers. Gnostic people have irrational thinking and they look for more information about God and its powers. Whereas agnostic individual are not sure about presence of God and they have rational thinking about God. They usually believe that no divine power exists in this world. They don’t contain any information or knowledge about God.