difference between hurricane and typhoon
Difference between Hurricane and Typhoon

Is Hurricane a typhoon? Well! Storm is either light or heavy, sense to be the scariest calamity among all other calamities. In storms, some are fast and some are low. They tend to occur due to global warming or might be due to the intensity of heavy winds and hailing etc. There are several names of these storms which are decided by meteorological organizations, and these names are known in a particular region. Moreover wind speed matters a lot while defining these two kinds. Hurricanes and Typhoons are considered to belong to the same kind of storms. There are also some conditions which come before the occurrence of these storms and those conditions include humidity and nimble winds. And if the above mentioned conditions are present for a long period of time then they results in these storms. Both cause hell massive destruction but logically, there is a difference between hurricane and typhoon.

Hurricane: It is a kind of storm, mainly called cyclone and tropical storm with intense severity and high wind speed. Western North Atlantic is the ocean where it mainly founds. It mainly follows the pattern of circular and cyclonic motion.

Typhoon: It is another type of storm which is mainly found in Western Pacific Areas. It covers China and India in its grip. Fierce winds and strong winds with rain are a strong signs of typhoon storm.

Hurricane Vs. Typhoon

Differ in time period and geographical scenario: 

They both differ in time period of occurrence. When we talk about hurricanes, their time period of occurrence is different, usually they occur in summers when water temperature is at its highest level, and hurricane knocks the nature. October is considered to be the occurrence time period of hurricane. So, May-October is the aggregative time period. Geographically, they occur in Western Atlantic Ocean, Carrabian Sea where water tends to be warm and humid.

Whereas, talking about Typhoons, they occur between the months of June till November. Seas present in China are major targets of typhoon. They are stronger than Hurricanes because of the intensity of coldness of water.

Target areas: 

The most targeted areas of hurricanes are United States land areas as they are near to the Atlantic oceans. It creates much destruction as it occurs on land. When it comes to creating destruction, Hurricane is more destructive and massive.

Whereas, Typhoon mainly covers India and Chinese areas mainly Philippines, China, Japan, Hong Kong are the major targeted areas. Both are the major causes of destruction in China. You can get knowledge about China’s economy which is sometime affected by these. It creates massive destruction, mean it affects the people living near the shores and coast land. In destruction, typhoon creates less massive destruction. Typhoon majorly develops in ocean and don’t affect the people so badly in comparison to hurricane.


Hurricane’s storms frequency is low in comparison to Typhoon. According to geologists, maximum 10 to 15 hurricanes can occur in a period of a year.

When it comes to Typhoons, almost 25 to 30 typhoons can come about in a year. It comes in the form of rain. Rain is also differentiated into beneficial rain and acid rain which is injurious to health. Both occur in the form of rain so rain is the common factor between these two storms.

Conclusion: Concluding the whole discussion, we can say that both are destructive to nature and organisms. It’s up to the humans to adopt precautionary measures in order to save nature and humanity. Have you experienced hurricane or typhoon, how was that?