Both cancer and tuberculosis are considered as  fatal disease and can cause loss of life. Disease means abnormality in any function of the body. There are two types of diseases acute and chronic. Diseases can be diagnosed by performing numerous tests. This results in the diagnosis of the disease.  Which is later cured or severity of that disease is also checked by these tests.


Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease. It was discovered by a German scientist Robot Koch on March, 24, 1884. It was previously named as consumption because of its symptoms that the patient is facing when he/she is suffering from Tuberculosis.  In general it affects lungs of a person and is easily visible on X-ray a patient. As the field of medicine is progressing day by day many curatives and vaccines have been invented to prevent from this fatal disease.


It is a fatal disease. And it is still difficult to cure this disease. Its treatment is still very expensive. Due to this many persons are dying because of cancer. And also due to unawareness and ignorance many people die every year. It was given the name of cancer by Hippocrates which means crab. Cancer was not cure able if we look back. But now it is cure able but still it cannot be cured if it exceeds stage 3.

Tuberculosis VS Cancer


Tuberculosis can be diagnosed by injecting Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) or the Tuberculosis body fluid test can be used to test for tuberculosis contamination.  And further it is investigated by an X-ray.

Cancer can be diagnosed by Complete Blood Count Tests and it gives a clear result in case of blood cancer. Other tests include blood protein tests, tumor making tests and circulating tumor cells tests.


Tuberculosis indications include Fatigue, weight loss, constant cough, loss of hunger.

Cancer indications include loss of weight, constant cough, unable to swallow, irregular swelling.


It is caused by inhaling the air that contains bacteria which is responsible for spreading TB.

It can be inherited, contact to sunlight or ultraviolet radiations and by smoking.


Tuberculosis is less fatal than Cancer.

Cancer is more fatal than Tuberculosis.


It is spread by the air that is inhaled or by touch to a person suffering from Tuberculosis.

It is inherited that if the ancestors suffered from cancer the infected gene can be transferred to the decedents.


Both above mentioned diseases are becoming common day by day and no   precautionary measures have yet been taken.  And the motility rate is increasing day by day due to these diseases. Especially cancer, the treatment of cancer is not affordable by common people due to this the death rate because of cancer is high than Tuberculosis.