11 Illegal Interview Questions
11 Illegal Interview Questions

Getting a good job become problematic now days because an interview session is not as simple as it is seems.  There are certain things that can make you confuse and upset but by using mind anybody can cope with those situations. Sometime interviewer asks you about some personal things that can spoil your whole interview and chance of having that job. Below we will discuss that, Illegal Job Interview Questions and Answers people normally faced on the time of their interview.

They might be ask you about your religion: We all know that for a good job the most important thing is your qualification. However, sometimes interviewer asked about your religion that is an illegal question during an interview. Government of any country imposed law that such questions should not asked by applicants. Interviewers should focus on your skills and intelligence but if they ask you such question then always use your intellect. You just need to answer about your religion in one word and always relate it with your abilities so they can forget about that what they were actually asking from you. However, it is an illegal question but candidate should know how to cope up with such questions.

Question about your age: Another illegal question that applicants face during their interview is about their age. Normally applicants mentioned about their age in their CV’s already but in case if they ask you about your age. Applicants should reply in a confident way because sometime if your age is not suitable for the job but you are confident and intelligent then it will increase your chances to getting that job.

Your marital status: Another very common question applicants might be asked by interviewer is about their marital status. Sometimes interviewer wants single person for their job so he/she can give extra time if needed. Therefore, it can be ask by them but the best reply of this question is to show your confidence and punctuality about time. However, it is an illegal question because it reveals your perusal life.

How many kids you have?: Nobody likes to share his/her personal life with other so it is illegal to ask such things. This is somewhat opposite to job requirements. However, employers ask such things to make an idea that for how long you can work durably. As sometimes, personal life affects the working hours that is not good for an organizations success.

What is your first language?: This is also an illegal question but somehow they can ask you about first language to get an idea about your proficiency. They can ask you about your first language and how many languages you can use while interacting with others. As it is positive sign for that organization success.

Criminal record: Employers sometimes ask people about their past criminal record that is against of law. You might be asking from interviewers that have you ever been arrested in past? Nobody has right to harass someone with such personal things.

Question about your financial status: This is really an annoying question for applicant as it is illegal to ask anybody about his /her financial position. In case if you face such question better to avoid but if you want to reply then do not degrade yourself. Always show that you have strong background and further more you are qualified enough that you do not need any support to get that job.

Do you use alcoholic things?: Another very personal question because interviewer should focus on your intelligence instead of asking such questions. However, if you face such question then never reveal the truth because it will spoil your whole career and personality. Interviewers want capable candidates for job so avoid to answer that question.

Question about your experiences in the past: Interviewers can ask you about your school and college experiences in the past that is irritating sometimes. However, lawfully it wrong to ask anybody such things but if you face this question then use your intellect that time.  Tell them about your good job career you did in any organization or industry.

Ask you about military training in past?: Sometimes applicants face this question that is annoying one. Nobody has right to ask such personal questions however, they can ask you about what type of education you get and what was the experience  and skills you get from any training in the past.

Question about your health: Interviewers do not have right to ask anybody personal things like health questions. This is not appropriate to ask anybody that from how long you are suffering from that disease. They can tell you about their requirements regarding health such as they want your weight to be 50 pound for some specific job.

Always avoid answering such questions and if you have to answer then answer it by using your intellect. Your intelligence can works like a strong weapon in such situations. Which question do your think is most illegal to ask during job interview?