Secrets of Living a Healthy Life
Secrets of Living a Healthy Life

Visiting hospitals for seeking relief from pain, illness is very hectic as well as not economical nowadays. Everyone nowadays wants to live a healthy, illness free life at any cost. It is a very great blessing that people wish for. Instead of going for expensive ways for living a healthy life, it is also better to go for natural ways that are conditional with your body and environment.

Bring changes in your everyday routine as well as carefully keeping a check on your diet will help you to keep away from sickness and hospitals. Some of the most efficient ways for a balanced life include:

Getting your biological needs fulfilled

As humans, we all have a biological need that demands satisfaction. Among food, water, and other needs, sleep is a very important component that has a very strong effect on our personality. Sleep deprivation can host a number of health problems like headache, fever, restlessness. Sleep deprivation can lead to stress and hormonal imbalance which can have a significant effect on your mood. So getting an appropriate amount of sleep will help you to deal with your health issues in a better way.

Balanced Diet

Some people have a habit of eating round the clock and other people show a preference for junk food. Eating too much can have a detrimental effect on your health. Researches have shown that eating in less quantity is beneficial for your health. It is always necessary that you eat an amount less than required by your body. If eaten too much you will become lazy and may lead to sickness.

Living a Stress free life

Stress and sickness follow each other; if a person is too much stressed its effects will occur in the form of sickness. The more person is stress free more he/she is likely to stay away from sickness. It is necessary to adopt healthy ways to deal with stress; the most efficient way is to make a daily habit for exercise. Exercise not only keeps you fit but also helps you to keep stress free.

Schedule your day

You should have a proper schedule of how you are going to spend your day. Keeping yourself busy in some work is also a key to a healthy life. Sitting idle doing nothing is parallel to getting sick. However, it is advised not to exhaust too much that it leads to stress but you need to maintain a balance between work and rest.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with poor health. Those individuals who have deficiency are more likely to fall ill; therefore there is a need to increase its amount through intake of necessary items like vegetables and fruit. Green tea, although it is not linked to vitamin D but it is also helpful to keep yourself fit. Green tea. Taking a cup of green tea after every meal is also a good belly reducing ingredient. You should try to replace soft drinks with a cup of green tea. It will not only reduce your sugar intake but will also make you slim and fit.


There is a significant difference in the health of people who are social, have a large network of friends, are lively, cheerful as compared to individuals who are withdrawn, not social, have few number of friends. Therefore it is advised to have a company of sincere friends, to hang out with them, share your issues, and get help, all of these are essential to living a life free from illness.

Cut down on processed food

Processed foods are those which have been canned or packed and contain lots of preservatives (a chemical substance that prevents decaying of food). Processed food includes breakfast cereals, cheese, microwave meals, bread, cakes, biscuits, potato chips, frozen food, and meat products such as sausages, etc. Following are the disadvantages of processed food:

These food have low nutrition value

They contains sugar

Have lots of calories

They contain refined carbohydrates

Are low in fibre

Contains preservatives

Also contains some artificial ingredients

Processed food affects health poorly leading to diseases such as heart diseases, obesity, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer and depression, etc. Try not to eat these foods or eat infrequently or in less amounts. Always choose fresh food for yourself such as fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, fish, etc.

Stay physically and mentally active

Mental health is as important as physical health! Make sure to exercise regularly to stay fit and fresh. Also take participate in physical activities such as running, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. These activities will also make you mentally fit. Exercises help you to prevent diseases and make you healthy.

Don’t smoke

Cigarette smoking affects your health poorly. Following are the diseases caused by cigarette smoking:

Heart diseases

Cancer (especially lung cancer)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema (diseases of the respiratory system)



Tuberculosis (TB)

Some eye diseases

Try to stop smoking as soon as possible for the sake of your health.

Drink more water

Water is an essential component of health. People who are dehydrated (a process in which you lose more water than you gain) always suffer. Water is important for functions of the body, our body is made up of water (60 percent). When a person becomes dehydrated, then tissues of the brain begin to lose water too resulting in causing you headache, impairs your concentration power, and causing irritability. Try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water (2.7 to 3.7 litres of water) daily.


Keeping all of the above points in mind, one can ensure healthy, balanced and illness free life. Being healthy is a great gift for which we should always be thankful to Allah.

According to ED Northstrum,

“It is no coincidence that four of six letters in Health are Heal”