Be careful: Soft Drink proved to be a Slow Poison

Health is a tremendous blessing of Allah and it is important like salt because when you eat a meal without having salt in it, it destroys your taste likewise health destroys your taste of life.
Soft Drink
Soft drink is a beverage and has the worst side effects on the human health and physique. Soft drink or Soda is full of carbonated water; sweetener and artificial flavor. Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, String, Dew are soft drinks that play a vital role in spreading diseases all over the world.
Health Concern
Overconsumption of soda leads to obesity, brain tumors, diabetes, emotional and mood disorders, aggression, stomachache, liver problem, certain cancers, dental issues, and dehydration, etc.
Brain Tumors
No doubt, Soft drinks are dangerous but even diet sodas are also the cause of severe diseases mainly, brain tumors because, in diet drinks, aspartame is used as a substitute for sugar which may cause brain tumors.
Soft drinks flourish the peril of diabetes as it contained a high amount of sugar. Sugary drinks enhance the danger of type 2 diabetes and other chronic syndromes. Basically, type 2 diabetes is an insulin resistance because the body becomes unable to use an appropriate amount of insulin so type 2 diabetes takes place.
Stomach Problem
Soda has Phosphoric acid when it takes then phosphoric acid combine with stomach acid and makes the indigestion process slow so stomach issues arise.
By consuming the soda which contains sugar, makes the people chubby and obese. Soft drinks are one of the big factors of fatness and many people who seem to be overweight are just because of the charisma of soft drinks.
Behavioral Disorders
Soft drinks also impact on behavior. One study of authors Sara J Solnick1 and David Hemenway reported that a large amount of sugar affects your mood as well as brings aggression, especially in adolescents. Fighting, gloomy behavior, and even thought to suicide arises by drinking too much soda.
Certain Cancers
Soft drinks have caffeine which associates with certain cancers, hypertension, and breast lumps, etc. Caffeine also disturbs the sleeping pattern and brings insomnia when taking in heavy quantity.
Dental Issues
Consuming soft drinks on a regular basis causes the plaque on teeth and also leads to cavities and gum infections.
Kidney Failure
Many researches reveal that kidney failure is one of the big reasons for taking soft drinks. In foreign countries, people use soft drinks more than the water which is highly risky for their health.
May Cause Insulin Resistance — a Key Feature of Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions such as hypertension (increased blood pressure), raised cholesterol, and increased blood sugar that increase the risk of heart diseases, diabetes (type 2), and stroke. Insulin resistance is the main cause of the metabolic syndrome. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for the transportation of glucose into tissues from blood but when you have a sugary drink, your tissues become resistant to insulin effects resulting in pancreas producing more levels of insulin to get rid of glucose from your blood. Therefore insulin levels increased in your body. This condition is called insulin resistance. In short soft drinks may increase the risk of diseases such as heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, and stroke.
Leptin Resistance
Leptin is a hormone that helps in balancing the appetite, weight of body, and intake of food. Intake of sugary drinks causes Leptin resistance (the body doesn’t respond to leptin hormone) which results in gaining fat.
Sugary Soda May Be Addictive
You should be very careful because sugary drinks are addictive drinks. What makes a soft drink addictive is the process of carbonation (carbonation is a chemical reaction process in which carbon dioxide breaks into liquid resulting in the solution into fizz). And also sugar-sweetened drinks contain caffeine which is an addicted substance.
Causes Sleep Disorders
As we all know that soft drinks contain caffeine and caffeine makes you stay awake for a long time. It also may lead to depression and stress disorders.
Hypocalcemia is a condition in which loss of calcium occurs. These drinks contain phosphorus which leads to increase the loss of calcium from the body through kidneys. Hypocalcemia may lead you to increase the risk of bone diseases, affects oral health, and cause cataracts (lens opacification which leads to impaired vision).
Increased Risk of Dementia
Dementia is a neurological disorder in older individuals suffering from loss of memory, language problems, and behavioral problems. And it’s a common cause is Alzheimer’s disease (a brain disorder which impairs mental functions). Dementia is associated with increased levels of sugar in the blood. When you drink sugary beverages, blood sugar increases leading to an increased risk of dementia. That means the more you take sugar the more the risk of dementia.
Doctor’s Point of View
Many doctors are against drinking so called soft drinks which are venom and play a role of slow poison. Health experts advise the society not to use soft drinks in the early morning, late night, or with empty Stomach because at that time your body needs water, not soft drinks which is the artificial substance and unnatural things always harmful.
Doctor Waseem’s Opinion
Doctor Waseem Ahmed associate with Pakistan Institute of Medical health says that people should use pure water instead of soft drinks.
Doctor Khawaja’s Opinion
Doctor Khawaja also participates in this debate by saying that the lemon juices, milk soda, and homemade drinks are much better than soft drinks. He suggests that do not use soda at Dawn, Dusk, and with an empty stomach because it cause Diarrhea, Dehydration, Gastro, Kidney problem, and even cancer.
Doctor Adeeb Rizvi’s Opinion
Doctor Adeeb Rizvi, Head of Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT), Karachi said that avoid soft drinks as it causes the kidney problem. Rather than taking soft drinks, you can take a fresh juice which gives you energy.
In a nutshell, do not drink soft drinks as it is a silent killer and will snatch your health soon. Soft drinks are hazardous to health and even doctors and nutritionists are against consuming Soda. So open your eyes and start drinking fresh juices instead of soft drinks and also aware your loved ones because we get life only once. What is your point of view?
Very impressive article. These type of article should be promoted for the awareness 😀
Thanks 🙂
Do you have any account on Fb for research…?