Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Research is referred to as the systematic procedure to revise or enhance the current knowledge by finding the latest facts. Research is a way to collect authentic information and facts using the scientific method. To conclude the accurate finding, it must be known that the research we are going to conduct is either quantitative or qualitative. The differences which are explained later will help consider which method is considerably used for a particular analysis.
Quantitative Research
In this method of research, only measurable data is collected to analyze the results. The word quantitative reveals that something would be investigated in terms of quantity or number. This method of research is widespread to use among researchers.
Qualitative Research
In this method of research, data is collected through interviews, focus groups, observations, and reviews for further investigation of results. It is a descriptive process in which “why” and “how” type of words are used by the researchers.
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research
The aim or purpose of quantitative research is to quantify data, which means in the form of numbers, to analyze the findings of a sample to the population of interest while qualitative research’s purpose is to analyze the descriptive data for a sample.
Nature of Research:
Quantitative research is conclusive (based on conclusion and results) in nature because of the statistical model, while qualitative research is exploratory (based on explanation and description) in nature.
Research Tools:
For quantitative research, data is collected through surveys, questionnaires, and any instrument, which is measure in terms of numbers.
For qualitative research, the data is collected through focus groups, ethnography, case studies, literature review, structured and unstructured interviews, because of its descriptive nature.
The hypothesis designed for qualitative research is short and narrow, but in qualitative research, the design hypothesis is lengthy and broader.
Researchers clearly understand the variables and define the variable for studying in advance for quantitative research. While in the qualitative study, the researchers may merely have a fragile idea regarding variables.
Examples of quantitative research (countable variables) are height, length, speed, time, weight, area, humidity, temperatures, ages, members, sound level, costs, volume, etc.
Examples of qualitative research (uncountable variables) are colors, texture, taste, beauty, smell, appearance, etc.
The focus of Research:
The focus of quantitative research is on numeric values or numbers, but in qualitative research, the attention of researchers is on words, objects, ideas or pictures, etc.
Research Oriented:
Quantitative research is result oriented as it is based on numbers while the qualitative research is process-oriented.
Research Problem:
The problem in quantitative research is deductively reasoned or logical. It cannot be changed over some time or during the study while in qualitative research, as the problem is inductively logical and persistently re-framed during the path or course of study.
Nature/Size of Sample:
The kind of the sample in quantitative research is on a large scale. The size of the sample is large. Still, in qualitative research, as studying the variables deeply, the sample neither be large nor provides a generalized form of the result. The size of the sample is small.
Research Structure/Design:
The structure of quantitative research is closed as it needs to be planned in advance. The structure of qualitative research is open as it can be modified during the process.
Uniformity of Research Instrument:
In quantitative research, it is essential to use a standard instrument or a fixed one. In qualitative research, there is no uniformity of an instrument as it can be changed as per the demand of the study.
Theory or Research Ratio:
In quantitative research, the research is preceded by the theory, while in qualitative research, the theory and research work at the same time.
Types of Respondents:
In quantitative research, the respondents are variable individuals, while in quantitative research, the respondents are unique individuals.
Interaction of Researcher and Respondents:
There is passive interaction between the researcher and respondents in quantitative research, while qualitative research requires active interaction and participation.
Convenience in collecting Data:
It is easier to gather data in quantitative research, and the collecting data facilitates the researchers to test the hypothesis. Still, it is difficult for qualitative research as it is less generalizable and consumes more time.
Analysis of Data:
For quantitative research, the numerical data is analyzed through descriptive or inferential statistics on software; usually, it is SPSS. But for qualitative research, the analysis of data is in the form of pictures or objects, words through indexing, descriptive coding, and integrative diagrams, etc.
Presentation of Data:
The data is presented in the form of graphs, tables, and statistics by comparing the obtained data with the past data in quantitative research.
The data in qualitative research is presented in the form of narrative style extracts and quotes as it shows the real experience.
Based on finding the results in quantitative research, recommendations are given by the researchers for conducting future research in a particular subject. In contrast, in qualitative research, the recommendations cannot be made.
Scope of Results:
There is a significant quantity of numbers in quantitative research as they are the representative of the whole population, while in qualitative research, there is a limited number of cases.
Both types of research have a definite meaning that lies in their name as qualitative refer to quality means abstract concepts, while quantitative refers to quantity means numerical data.
By the core differences, as mentioned above, it is clear that quantitative research is relatively easier than qualitative research in the context of making questionnaires, collecting, and analyzing data. Although both have their own significance, quantitative research gives concrete results and is preferable for most researchers.Which is more significant in your opinion?
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