Do you want to know why are you Fat?

Obesity, a life threatening condition has been termed as a leading cause of all diseases. The term “Obesity” refers to a state in which a person has a large amount of stored fats in his/her body which contribute to negative health consequences even death. The standard criterion used for assessing whether a person falls in the obese category is BMI (Body Mass Index). If the BMI of a person is 30 or more, he/she falls in the obese category. There are tremendous causes of obesity, almost all of which can be treated, these include
One of the most common and significant factors that lead to obesity is eating an amount, more than required by the body. With the fascinating concept of eating fast food has dramatically increased the percentage of obese individuals. More calories you take in your diet, more you are likely to fall in the obese category. One other factor that leads to obesity is continuously eating throughout the day without any break.
Reduced Physical Activity
With the advancement of technology like televisions, laptops, tablets people are more likely to spend time on these gadgets which leads to less physical activity. Previously people use to run their home errands through ways that require physical energy but nowadays machines are available that require less human power. Transport vehicles were not available in the past so people use to travel on foot which is indeed a lot of physical activity.
Sleep deprivation
It is interesting that sleep deprivation is parallel to obesity. Individuals who are unable to get proper sleep might lead to disturbance in their sleep wake cycle as well as some hormonal imbalance which might contribute to obesity. But you need to be careful; sleep that exceeds the limit is not beneficial to health so you need to maintain a balance for sleep duration.
In some families’ tendency to gain weight runs in family, it is basically inherited from your parents. A person may have a predisposition for obesity but if he is not involved in overeating he/she may not get obese, on other hand, there are individuals who eat a lot but they do not accumulate the fats, primarily because they do not have the predisposition. Still, if obesity is genetically determined it does not mean that you go on eating, you can avoid it through proper exercise and diet.
Illness and treatment medications
In some individuals, there is a possibility that obesity may be due to underlying medical conditions like hyperthyroidism or any other disease or it may be a side effect of some medications used for the treatment of some diseases like some antipsychotic used in the treatment of schizophrenia result in an increase in body weight. In such cases, it is better to discuss the matter with the concerned doctor, who may decrease the dose or make you shift to another medicine with fewer side effects.
Sweet, Carbohydrates, and oily foods
The more the intake of sugar, carbohydrates, and oil more chances that person will become overweight. In our culture, our diet mostly revolves around sugary, oily, and food containing carbohydrates. So it is the major cause of gaining weight. Those individuals who want to lose weight are advised to cut down sugar, carbohydrate, and oil from their diet.
Eating Quickly
According to studies people who have a habit of eating their food quickly are more vulnerable to gain fat. The more you eat quickly the more you gain weight. There’s a theory behind this that states that when you eat quickly you must overeat, which leads you to gain weight because your body might take some time to signal your brain that it’s full. Apart from gaining weight or obesity eating quickly also cause some diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome (a group of conditions which increase the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke), gastritis (inflammation of stomach), and choking, etc. Make sure to try to overcome this bad habit and eat slowly and chew your food more.
Not Drinking Enough Water
Water is an essential component of your body! Dehydration (a process in which you lose more water than you drink) may make you vulnerable to gain weight. Water is important for the functions of our body. For fast and good metabolism you need water. Metabolism’s normal function is to convert fat and calories into energy but if dehydration occurs than the function of metabolism is impaired resulting in storing more fat and calories in your body. Also, you may mistake your thirst as a signal of hunger and you eat more food. Water also acts as a suppressant of appetite, when you drink 1 glass of water before your meal you may eat less or adequately.
Sitting Too Long
Sitting for a long time at the same place will increase the risk of weight gain. When you move your body less it will surely start gaining weight. Studies suggest that when you sit for a long time at the same place than you are putting pressure on your buttocks which increases up to 50 percent fat in those areas. Sitting for a long time at the same place also increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, mental health disorders, and certain types of cancers. Try to be more active and start exercising regularly. It is good
Portion Distortion
Try to eat more nutritious food, not calorie-containing food. Make sure you don’t end up having the large meals try to make small portions of food with lots of nutrients. Goal is not to eat more it is to have more nutritious food.
According to research conducted by the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, obese people can be categorized in one of the following six groups: Heavy drinker’s especially young males, unhappy and anxious middle aged individuals, older individuals with poor physical health but sound mental health, healthy young females, individual with poor health and financial challenges and older wealthy individuals with drinking problems.
As said by Subodh Gupta
“If you keep on eating unhealthy food than no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight.”
Taking into account all the causes of obesity there is a strong need to take steps to reduce obesity. Such steps include proper exercise, keeping a check of what you are eating and how much quantity you are taking, it also includes steps to increase physical activity, engaging in work that involves physical exertion and minimum comfort. If the person falls in a severe obese category then there is a need to take medicine after consultation with a physician. Which tips do you follow to lose weight?
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