Thomas Edison The Enlightner

Biography of Thomas Edison
Early Life
Thomas Edison-The Enlightner can truly be said as the greatest inventor and scientist of all the times. He rose from a common person to the most prolific inventor. He was born in February, 1847 in Ohio in the home of Samuel Edison and he was their seventh child. He was not enrolled in any school properly and was taught by his mother at home who was a teacher herself. After migration of his parents to Port Huron, his life was not so good because he was partially deaf. In the age of 12 years, he started to sell newspapers to passengers in train. He started many businesses in very young age e.g. he launched his own newspaper called as Grand Trunk Herald. In 1856, he moved to Kentucky and worked there in night shift and then used most of his time in experimenting.
First Invention
Edison invented stock ticker in 1869, when he was in New York and in 1870, he set up his own laboratory and employed many workers. Edison designed quadrupled telegraph for western union which could be used to transfer two signals in same time into two different directions.
Family Life
In 1871, he married one of his employees, named as Mary Stilwell and they had three children during their married life time. In The start of 1870s, Thomas was a famous inventor now and that is why he spread his business to New Jersey also.
Inventor of Enlightening
In December, 1877, he invented phonograph to record sound and this invention made him worldwide famous. The decade of 1880s was very busy and very fame providing for Thomas Edison because he had invented the most revolutionary invention of all the times in January 1880 and that was bulb. He wanted to set out a company to enlighten the cities of world with his remarkable invention and that is why he laid the foundation of Edison Illuminating Company, the same year. After a hard struggle of many years, now he was able to enlighten the whole USA and he did so by providing 110 volts of electric power to 59 customers.
His famous inventions include electrographic vote recorder, simplified telegraph, phonograph carbon transmitter, electric lamp, electric lighting system, fruit preserver and ore separator. Thomas Edison was facing serious complication of diabetes and this resulted in his death on October 18, 1931 in New Jersey. He was almost 84 years of age at the time of his death. Edison can truly be said as history maker of this world because he gave us the thing, on which everything bases today.
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