Abdul Qadeer Khan Inventor of Nuclear Program of Pakistan

Biography of Abdul Qadeer Khan
Early Life
Abdul Qadeer Khan inventor of Nuclear Program of Pakistan can truly be said as the pride of Pakistan as he is the one who made Pakistan the sole Muslim nuclear power of the world. He is the scientist of Physics and he is considered as the national hero of Pakistan. Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan was born in an Indian state Bhopal in 1936 and he migrated to Pakistan in 1947. Khan studied in Saint Anthony high school and then moved to D. J. Science College, Karachi. He earned a degree of bachelors in Physics in supervision of famous solar physicist Dr. Bashir Sayed.
Moving mountain
He started a job in Karachi after his degree but he was not satisfied with his job that is why he moved to Netherlands. Very soon, he got much fame as a nuclear scientist in Netherlands and he had access to even many secret documentations over there e.g. gas centrifuge documentation in URENCO. He came back to Pakistan in December 1974 and offered the prime minister of that time Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to work on nuclear technology in Pakistan. It is said that he had strong relationships with General Zia Ul Haq and Pakistan Air Force.
Inventor of Nuclear Program of Pakistan
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan founded the nuclear power in Pakistan by taking his experiences of URENCO under work and by help of Allah almighty he enabled Pakistan to be said as sole Muslim atomic power of the world. After this, he joined space agency of Pakistan, SUPARCO and organized it on new basis. He also played an important role in space program of Pakistan and enabled Pakistan to launch its first polar satellite program.
Official declaration
As Pakistan got nuclear power in ending years of 70s but Pakistan did not claim it for next 20 years. After discussion with Doctor Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan declared officially that we are the sole nuclear power of Muslim world and 7th atomic power of whole world. This official announcement made Pakistan the one of the most important countries of all the world in a short period of some days and that was all due to Doctor Abdul Qadeer Khan. Doctor Abdul Qadeer Khan is the person who changed the destiny of Pakistani nation and made it one of the most important nations of the world.
Present situation
Doctor Abdul Qadeer Khan also played an important role in establishing nuclear energy departments in many universities of Pakistan. The sad point of his story is that we, the Pakistani nation has not treated him well and didn’t give him the respect he deserved. He is living in hearts of Pakistani nation but officially he is facing many troubles as he was home closed for some times and faced many other troubles also. Presently he is having some problems with his health and he is almost 77 years of age. It can be said that he is truly the pride of Pakistani nation.
salam… #abdulqadeer
plz tel k kia sir abdulqader n y dawa kia h k
[wo 9o days m iran or china sy bhi sasti (cheap) bijli bna dyn gy agr hakumaat support kry]
plz ans me or kia wo abhi bhi support k muntazir hn???
He is now a days poor man even he did not had money to take any animal on Eid no one supports him even many people doest know about him
He is realy one pice of pakistan. Guru i salute you. You may gather whole muslim ummah.
& help the muslim country.
Dr Abdul Qadeer is the one who develop the nuclear power in Pakistan and Dr , you are in our heart and i LOve u very much and sloute u
thank you for this
Welcome 🙂
state briefly the important work of abdul qadeer khan in field of nuclear science
He is very talented scientist and pride of pakistan
Yes he is very intelligent but we Pakistani are not giving him respect as much he deserved
a true hero.. pride of Pakistan