Difference between Viber and Tango

Applications for smartphones are getting increased day by day. People are getting used too of it day by day. Now, instead of using call services on mobiles, people do prefer calling through Skype, Viber, and Tango and What Sapp. It’s just because of the voice over internet protocol (VOIP). This allows the voice calls on operating system of smartphones. In starting, this was only designed for few operating systems but now in many smartphone’s like android, Mac IOS, windows mobile, blackberry, PC’s etc. What are they? Let’s define them first:
Viber: It’s a voice over internet protocol application designed for smartphones. It allows people to send text messages, share voice with their loved ones.
Tango: Also a voice over internet protocol (VoIP), designed for smartphones, mainly allows voice and video calls along with text messages.
Let’s dig out the difference between between Viber and Tango:
Working matters!
VIBER: At first Viber was designed for IPhone users, then it got transmitted to other smartphones like blackberry, android, dada and many others. Now, it’s simply easy to make phone calls to other people on Viber who are having their account too. The application will be downloaded on you your phone through google store if you have IPhone. The characteristics of using Viber are:
- The application will use your cell number as a username and will protect it in the database.
- Allows you to have voice calls.
- When you download will get started, A verification code will be sent to your phone, which upon confirmation, you will be automatically registered to the Viber database. The address book of the Viber app is the same as that of your phone address book.
- The best part of Viber is that it synchronize your contacts, you don’t need to add one by one when you connected to the internet.
- With its usage, you can call anyone all over the world by using Wi-Fi signals.
TANGO: Now, coming to the Tango’s side, it works almost on the same principle, there is no lengthy processing it. It will use your cell n0. When you will be using it for the first time. Major characteristics are as follows:
- The application will use the cell phone number for checking those contacts who are registered in tango’s data base.
- The registration process is not a long process time according to its website.
- When getting online, it will synchronize the contacts just like Viber.
- The only disadvantage is it will not secure your cell number.
- You should have the other’s number saved in the phonebook whom you are communicating, otherwise communication won’t be possible.
- Tango for PC allows you to watch ad play games and videos respectively.
It’s time to go for the best one – Viber or Tango? As it’s been discussed the working process earlier but how can we choose the beat one now? Well! Viber allows you to chat, photo-sharing, text messages and also voice calls but tango lacks this specialty. While in tango, it allows you to play games with friends and also video calls which Viber lacks. In this way you can’t just throw the comment that one is better than the other. Both are good at their levels. Tango for PC is a good option for those who are fond of large screens. It’s up to you what your need are and what you go for.
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