What are high quality conferences?

Research has become very competitive these days and it is very important to know what are high quality conferences. As it is very important to know the repute of the conference where you are publishing. Usually there are some basic characteristics which tells us about the repute of conferences.
1) They are very strict in accepting the papers related to research areas mentioned on the journal page.
2) The editorial board members are well known people in their area of research.
3) They are usually published by well known publishers e.g. Springer, IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Wiley etc
4) Most of them have special discounted registration for studen
Research has become very competitive these days and it is very important to know what high-quality conferences are. As it is very important to know the repute of the conference where you are publishing. Usually, some basic characteristics tell us about the repute of conferences.
Networking Opportunity:
- People from around the world come and attend these conferences. They include engineers, doctors, scientists etc.
- Through this conference, they meet each other and form a network that can turn into a lifelong business partnership in future.
- Get-togethers like this often help scientist to generate ideas and this is done by talking with others about their innovations.
High Management:
- High-quality conferences are often well-managed. They have invited the best people from all over the world and are allowed to present something new.
- These conferences provide a smoother and better learning environment for students and scholars.
Rigorous Research Paper Selection:
- High-quality conferences have high selection criteria for the selection of research papers. They only select articles that have these standards.
- As these conferences have delegations from all over the world so, therefore, they select only those papers to be displayed that have a great impact factor.
Prestigious Editorial Board:
- These conferences have an editorial board that is expert in what they do.
- They have a selective reviewer pool thus eliminating bias.
- This editorial board makes sure that the quality of a conference and journal is maintained throughout the process.
- There is a history of publishing impactful research. If you want to judge a conference and you are asked to select one option then here is your option “ amount of impactful research in last year” You will know where your conference stands.
Affiliation With Renowned Publisher:
- High-quality conferences are often partnered with or published by established academic publishers like Springer, IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, and Wiley.
- This way they have a high impact and research published in these journals or conferences is cited by many researchers.
Student-friendly conferences:
- They often offer 50% discounts to students both under and post-graduates.
- This way they help students out by giving them due exposure to the outside world.
- Not only do they provide half the scholarship for the conference fee but also give students accommodation and travel expenses.
- Students are often encouraged to join such conferences so that they can choose their future. For the sake of this nationwide ads are run so that more and more students apply for scholarships and conferences.
Selective Acceptance rate:
- They have a competitive acceptance rate for high-quality submitted articles.
- It is their motto that only those researches that fulfil the criteria will be published.
- A high rejection rate can be discouraging but it is the only way to maintain the standard.
High-quality conferences happen all over the world. Many researchers participate in it with their innovation and research. To maintain the quality they have to put a lot of barriers to acceptance of research but if you want to get your research there and present it you should follow the above tips and work on it wholeheartedly. I assure you that success will be yours.ts’ papers sometime about 50%.
5) High rejection rate, due to only accepting high quality work.
6) Detailed comments sometime even more than 3 pages for a 10 pages paper.
7) At least two/three well known reviewers provides reviews.
8) Participants are from all over the world means from different countries.
9) Very detailed and pretty complex proposed methods.
10) Many papers which totally have new applications or datasets related problems.
11) Key Note speeches are from the top 10 ranked experts in the areas of research of that conference.
10) Papers accepted in these conferences usually get on the average more than 10 citations per paper.
11) Conferences are more importantly considered by Computer Science field so most of the above points are true for computer science.
12) Some top level conferences in the area of computer science are
13) The deadlines are very strictly followed and no extensions usually.
14) The registration deadlines are also strictly followed.
every one can attend these conferences ?
Just MS and PhD students