Difference between TCP and UDP

Difference between TCP and UDP
Technology is reaching the apex all over the world day by day. Almost every user has somehow connection with internet. Protocols matters when it comes to the working of the dat transmission in terms of bytes. This article is about types of Internet Protocol (IP) traffic i.e. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol). Former one is the connection oriented – once the connection is created data can be transmit in both ways while the latter one is a simpler connection-less protocol. In UDP multiple packets are transmitted. Lets’ now drag us toward the difference between TCP and UDP. Surely many of the confusions will be diminished after reading out the article.
Difference in the acronyms!: Acronyms are important because they are the only one which gives a step to know about nay tendency. There is surely a difference in their abbreviations and their meaning but we are more concerned with the acronyms here.
What is TCP
TCP stands for transfer control protocol.
What is UDP
UDP stands for user data gram protocol or universal datagram protocol.
What kind of connection it provides and the functions associated with it: As far as TCP is concerned, it is a connection oriented protocol on the other hand, this is not the case with UDP because it is connection-less protocol. Acknowledging the functions, TCP performs its functions very well, as a message it makes its own way across the internet from one computer to another because this is connection based protocol. On the very other hand, UDP is also a protocol used mainly in the message transport or transfer. This is not the connection based which rarely means that it cannot send out the program with loads of packets to another and that would be the end of the relationship.
Usage with examples: As far as the usage of TCP is concerned, it is best suited for the applications that mainly require high reliability and most important feature is that transmission time is relatively low and less critical. The major examples associated with it are HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, SMTP, Telnet etc.
On the other hand, in the usage of UDP it involves UDP is suitable for applications that need fast, efficient transmission, such as games. UDP’s stateless nature is also useful for servers that answer small queries from huge numbers of clients. The main examples associated with it are DNS, DHCP, TFTP, SNMP, RIP, VOIP etc.
What kind of speed it gives to its users?: Speed matters when it come sto the working of anything either data transmission or data compilation. As far as the speed is concerned, the speed for TCP is slower than UDP and UDP here won because it gives faster speed because in this process there is no error checking for packets.
How much reliability is associated with it?: Well it is an interesting question, when it comes to the reliability of TCP, it is very important because it matters in the whole process. There is definitely an absolute guarantee that the data transferred remains intact and arrives in the same order in which it was sent. On the other hand, this is not the case with the UDP because in it there is no guarantee that the messages or packets sent would reach at all. Their header size is 20 bytes and UDP carries 8 bytes.
How data streamsin these two protocols- DATA STREAMING: In TCP, data streaming is somehow different because in this is process, data is read as byte stream, there are no distinguishing indications are transmitted to signal message that is the segment boundaries. On the other hand, there is a different kind of processing, because packets have definite boundaries which are honored upon receipt, meaning a read operation at the receiver socket will yield an entire message as it was originally sent.
How it controls the data flow?: In the case of TCP, it does control the data. In this process it requires three packets to set up a socket connection. It can reached before any user data can be sent. This protocol also handles reliability because it mainly associate itself with it. It also controls the congestion control.
On the other hand, UDP does not have any option to control the flow of data. Because it is not a good way of data transmission.
Does these protocols check errors?: Checking errors play a vital role because this is the only way any chain will work properly. In TCP, there is a notion of error checking, because it overall manages the whole criteria. In the other case, it does check out the error but there is no notion of recovering options.
Data packets delivery: In this case, TCP arranges data packets in the chronological order because it’s the work of this protocol to attach itself with the data organization. On the other hand, the case is entirely different because UDP is not having any order. It doesn’t have any inherent order because all packets are independent of each other as they are not dependent of each other.
What are the common fields associated with it? In TCP, there are numerous other fields named are source port, destination port and Checksum. The common other fields are source port and destination port. On the other hand, the other common fields are the same in this case because they are source port, destination port and checksum.
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