Difference between Ethical Hacking and Non Ethical Hacking

Difference between Ethical Hacking and Non Ethical Hacking
Hacking is a serious issue in today’s life. Connotatively, if we see hacking, it’s of two kinds and today even everyone is fed up of this hacking stuff. Whenever a person opens up his or her fb id, he gets scared either his account will be safe or not? It’s an intensive question which is prevailing in the minds of the users. In computer system a hacker is one who exploits the computer system. There are two opposites’ meanings of this hacking. We will definitely study it later on. But here it is to be noted that hacking consists of two types. Ethical and Non ethical. They are very common in IT environment. Let’s study the difference between Ethical Hacking and Non Ethical Hacking.
What is ethical hacking
As the name suggests, something legal is associated with it. In many organizations, today computers are hacked for the good purpose of the organization. In organization, to hack a computer means vulnerability that is loop holes in a computer found by them they build by firewall. Considering a very simple example here, the windows security an organization upgrade on the daily basis. It is a usual act to hack and it is always prior to the release of new softwares to test its ability to with understand such attacks.
What is non ethical Hacking
This is a serious issue and also a hottest topic among today’s youth. Because every user almost is facing this kind of problem. It means that when people, steal some one data just for their own personal gain. It includes mostly, credit card info, ID theft, and the make perfect sense to me. However, primarily it means that hacking just to do damage to someone or something is foreign to me. I do not and will not ever understand how someone can get personal satisfaction from watching others suffer. While I feel this way I will also say that unethical hacking is far more interesting for me to read about. Among this the malicious hacker is to be considered which black hat hacker is.
Ethical Hacking vs Non Ethical Hacking
The debate on this issue leads to certain conclusion. In this tunnel we have certain numerous examples to talk about.
Classification of hackers: In this topic, there are two kinds of hackers which cover ethical hacking and unethical hacking:
White hat hacker: this kind of hacker provides security of cyber world. They are simply non evidence. Basically the normal user called ethical hacker.
Black hat Hacker: Now, when we called areal hacker in the sense of unethical hacking then it is the black hat hacker.
In other classification, skryptkindle and neophyte also includes:
The first kind of hackers is those who cannot do anything in short they rely on other. On the other hand, the second type is all related to the newly learners.
Concluding the whole, the word hacking is a scary one which arises different questions in the mind of the user but if it’s ethical then it will lead to a progressive state.
Can a ethical hacker be a non ethical hacker???
Is there any requirement of special language to know like java ..mscript etc..???
It is upto you how you use hacking skills. If you use it ethically for the sake of good cause than you are doing good if not then ..
Yes you need to learn the programming languages which supports hacking libraries and packages.
and what language is best to learn hacking
Its about how things work. Hacking is independent of any programming language. So by learning some specific language you will not be able to say that you have learned hacking.
Yeah as jin said that its up to u whether u use it for good or bad if u used it for good u will be called white and if u used it for evil then u will called black hat however to become a ethical hacker u need to get a certified ethical hacker (ceh) degree but before doing this degree u will have to sign a agreement in which it is said that u cant use it for ur own or for illegal use thats the problem i have got a ceh degree and my annual salary is 90k $ however sometimes to teach bad people a lesson i have to use hacking for illegal for my own use
can I learn ethical hacking from you John Riddler
u can find many online institutes registered ones for doing this.
so hacking someones email not steal information but to read emails that’s black hat hacker