Difference between SQL Server and Oracle

Difference between SQL Server and Oracle
Have you ever heard about databases? If yes! There is a need to know that there is a constant war between Microsoft supporters and Oracle devotees. So knowing difference between SQL Server and Oracle is important. There is a huge difference between SQL Server and Oracle but the importance can be given to this thing only. But the important is that your database should be able to perform the functions which you really want it to perform.
SQL Server vs Oracle
RDBMSs: There are a lot of different relational database management systems (RDBMS). You may heard about Microsoft Access, Sybase, and MySQL but the two most famous and widely used are MS SQL Server and Oracle. Although there are many common things between the two platforms there are also a number of key dissimilarities. In this blog, I will be having a look at several in peculiar, in the areas of their command language how they manage transaction control and their management of database objects.
Language: Probably, the most obvious difference between the two RDBMS is the language they use. Although both systems employ an edition of Structured Query Language or SQL, MS SQL Server employs Transact SQL, or T-SQL which is an expansion of SQL actually developed by Sybase and employed by Microsoft. Oracle meanwhile uses Procedural Language/SQL or PL/SQL. Both are dissimilar flavors of SQL and both languages have dissimilar syntax and abilities. The vital difference between the two languages is how they manage variables, stored procedures and innate functions. PL/SQL in Oracle can also group procedures together into packages which can’t be happen in MS SQL Server. In my opinion, PL/SQL is complex and brilliantly more powerful while T-SQL is much simple and easy to use.
Transaction Control: Another one of the major differences between Oracle and MS SQL Server is transaction control. For the aim of this article, a transaction can be defined as a block of operations or tasks that should be treated as a single entity. For instance, a collection of SQL queries altering records that all must be updated synchronously, where (for example) a failure to update a single record among the group should conclude none of the records being updated. As a default manner, MS SQL Server will execute and commit each command own self, and it will be difficult or even impossible to roll back the changes if any omissions are occurred in the way. To properly group statements, the “BEGIN TRANSACTION” command is employed to declare the beginning of a transaction and either a COMMIT statement is used at the last. This COMMIT statement will write the modified data to disk and end the transaction. During the transaction, ROLLBACK will reject and changes made within the transaction block. When properly used with error handling the ROLLBACK permits for some degree of safety against data corruption. After a COMMIT is issued, it’s impossible to roll back any upcoming that the COMMIT command.
Whole Process: Within Oracle, on the other way, each new DB Connection is considered as a new transaction. As queries are executed and commands are raised changes are made only inside memory and nothing is committed until a manual COMMIT statement is given (with a few exceptions concerned to DDL commands which contains “implicit” commits and are committed simultaneously). After the COMMIT the next command raised essentially starts a new transaction and the process begins again. This provides much flexibility and assists for error manipulation as well, as no changes are committed to disk unless or until the DBA intentionally raises the command to do so.
Summing up, Microsoft has built up a strong community indeed just because of the information. So the above mentioned difference is informative enough to know the answer of your question that how one is so renowned and the other one is on the way to progression.
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