Difference Between Obesity, Overweight and Morbid Obesity

Comparatively, all three terms look the same but there is a huge difference between them but can u imagine how badly it can kill you? Let’s dig out the difference between Obesity, Overweight, and Morbid Obesity.
What is Obesity?
It is the state of a person where he/she gets flabbiest or fat. When your body mass index is higher than 30 it leads you to obesity. BMI is the value of your weight and height.
What is Overweight?
It is a condition where a normal person puts on extra weight that doesn’t match with his height, age, and gender.
What is Morbid Obesity?
Morbid obesity is defined as a life-threatening condition that leads from abnormally increased Body Mass Index (BMI is a measure of your height and weight). It is a type of chronic disease that develops symptoms gradually and affects your health poorly. Morbid obesity is having a body mass index of 40 or more. National Institutes of Health Consensus suggests that morbid obesity needs proper treatment and labeled it as a severe health disease. It is also called clinically severe obesity.
Obesity vs Overweight vs Morbid Obesity:
Obesity, overweight, and morbid obesity are the terms that are associated with fat and weight. But the difference between them is that an overweight person carries an extreme quantity of weight. An overweight person doesn’t imply too much fat but weight. Whereas, on the other hand, an obese person carries too much fat.
Switch to Roots:
When it comes to obesity, the causes are immeasurable. The obese person is unaware of those causes but keeps busy himself in non-stop eating. The major causes are as follows:
Too much eating of fast food
Imbalance of hormones
Anxiety and unhappiness
Inactive way of living
On the other hand, Overweight has the following causes:
Genetic factor
No notion of workout
Lack of sleep
Eating disorders
Whereas the risk factors of morbid obesity are:
Genetic factors
Behavioral factors
Metabolic factors
Hormonal factors
Unhealthy eating habits
Poor lifestyle
Lack of exercise or physical activity
Health status for example hypothyroidism
Some medications, for example, antidepressants.
Global Fear:
Being fat is a scary state for humans as it takes you in the herd of diseases. When it comes to the occurrences, more than 300 million people are suffering from obesity, and round about 1 billion people are counted under the overweight area. You never know how much it can be vulnerable to your life. When obesity knocks at your door, it comes up with Hypertension, Heart diseases, high blood pressure, thyroid which gives kidney failure and heart attack. On the other hand, being overweight is a shameful aspect, it can give you the least fear but it is harmful and give diseases like blood pressure, stress, and depression. Whereas morbid obesity can lead to serious health problems, such as:
Heart diseases (hypertension)
Affecting the nervous system and causes stroke
Bone disease for example osteoarthritis
Endocrine diseases for example type 2 diabetes
Reproductive diseases such as infertility in women
Gastrointestinal problems such as gall stones
And certain types of cancers.
Extreme obesity may result in a harmful state called hypoxia (also known as hypoxemia) which means low blood oxygen. Low blood oxygen causes sleep apnea which means breathing problems during sleep. Both low oxygen in blood and sleep apnea leads to hypertension (high blood pressure). If your morbid obesity case is serious despite that you left it untreated then the patient may develop some serious complications such as right-sided heart failure and ultimately death. An obese and morbidly obese person is in more danger than an overweight being.
Recommended Treatments and remedies:
People with obesity and overweight are large in number. When it comes to losing weight, you rush to experts. Doctors recommend the following remedies to eradicate obesity:
Making your diet properly.
Take honey
Excessive use of Bitter vegetables
Usage of mint
Daily based Exercises
For an overweight person, he just has to control his food and taking of exercise, the best remedy by doctors.
Following are the different treatment options for morbid obesity:
Lifestyle changes which includes Diet and Exercise
Weight Loss Drugs: Which are prescribed by your doctor. These drugs are effective for weight loss but when you stop taking these drugs you may end up gaining weight again.
If morbid obesity does not respond to medications then surgery is also an option. Such as Gastric Banding surgery, Gastric Bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric band (lap band), and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. These surgeries have an overall 60 to 80 percent success rate.
Say Goodbye to Obesity, Overweight and Morbid Obesity:
When it comes to control! It’s so hard to give up on those things which you daily do in your daily routine. An obese has to avoid all the junk food, food which is full of calories, fried food, and heavy food which is hard to digest. If you want to say goodbye to obesity, overweight and morbid obesity you have to give up the sitting lifestyle, which is full of colorful eating, sleeping too much (https://researchpedia.info/side-effects-of-over-sleeping/) and overeating. You have to say goodbye to what your stomach wants. In both cases, doing exercise and a balanced diet is highly important. Reducing calories can make you look smart and attractive just like you never got fat. Obesity and morbid obesity are severe and sometimes they may become deadly conditions. Healthy lifestyle changes include a healthy diet and regular exercise. “Fad” diets (keto diet, paleogenic diet, etc) are harmful for morbidly obese people. People should bring change in their eating habits. Like they should add more fruits and vegetables to their diet, eat smaller meals, always count their calories, and limit saturated fats, trans fats, and refined sugars. Physical activity is also important for losing weight, it includes Running or jogging, swimming, cycling, and jumping rope.
Now you know the difference between overweight, obesity, and morbid obesity. If your Body mass index (BMI) indicates you are either overweight or obese or morbidly obese then start taking precautionary measures and choose a healthy lifestyle for yourself by making healthy lifestyle changes such as eating fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water and fresh juices, perform regular exercise or physical activity, avoid alcohol intake, and limit your sugar intake. Stay healthy and stop adopting an inactive lifestyle.Do you agree with us?
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