Alfred Kinsey Scientist of Gender and Sex

Biography of Alfred Kinsey
Early Life
Alfred Kinsey scientist of gender of sex was a very good sex and gender researcher. He was born in American state new jersey’s city Hoboken in June 1894. His father was an engineering teacher by profession who was teaching engineering in a university. His father was insisting him to earn an engineering degree but he denied and got his graduation from Columbia High School in Hoboken. Later on, he got admission in Bowdoin college of Maine to pursue his further studies in the field of biology. Finally, he got his bachelor’s degrees in fields of biology and psychology in 1916.
After earning a medical degree he was appointed as a zoologist in Harvard University but later on he moved to University of Indiana to teach zoology and he continued this job till the end of his career. Alfred Kinsey studied entomology in details and his works about entomology made him famous in mid 1930s. He conducted a research about gall wasps and this research is considered as the pivot point of his work in field of entomology.
After his initial achievements, he focused on a bit different field and that was sex and gender in humans. The university, he was teaching in, published a publication in 1938 named as daily student and in that publication they added an editorial which was asking about information of venereal diseases. This editorial raised his interest in this field and later on he conducted some research in this field which showed him many new thing and results.
Scientist of Gender and Sex
He requested the management of university to add a course of marriage of different number of pairs in which many issues regarding sex in human were discussed. Soon he quitted his every work and started work on this field only. He was funded by some organizations and after that he set up his own institute of research in sex, gender and reproduction in humans. He conducted interviews of almost 5300 males and more than 5900 females and with the help of these interviews he based his research result which was really shocking and new for everyone.
He published his own book about male’s sexuality in 1848 and this was a hit and blaster of that time because almost 500000 copies of this book were sold out. Later on, he issued same kind of book on female sexuality but it was received less warmly. In the years of 1955 and 56 Alfred Kinsey was facing heart problems and pneumonia and this resulted as his death. He died on 25 August, 1956 in the age of 62 years.
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