Archimedes Inventor of Gravity

Biography of Archimedes
Early Life
Archimedes the old scientist is one of the greatest scientists of older days who made numerous marvelous contributions in the fields of mathematics, physics, engineering and astronomy. We can say that he was a person who laid the foundation of science in very old days. He was born in Greece in 287 BC in island of Sicily. His father named as Phidias was a great scientist and astronomer himself so the Archimedes’s interest in science is a natural thing. He was interested in just studies and he had no other work to do. He got his early education in fields of mathematics, science, poetry, music, astronomy, politics, military tactics and arts.
After his early education, he got a special opportunity to study in the school of mathematics which was found by greatest scientist of that time, Euclid. In that school, he studied physics, mathematics and other sciences with many greatest mind of that time e.g. Conon and Samos. This thing led Archimedes to become a great scientist. He invented numerous things which contributed widely in the field of science and gave him fame as a great scientist.
He made many important contributions in science, mathematics and physics which can be mentioned as principles of mechanics, gravity and the lever. In the reign of King Heiro II, he was assigned the task of determining the gold purity. He discovered the way of finding the density of gold and proved that the gold of that king was not pure and silver was mixed in it. In this way, he proposed the method of finding the volume of an object if it is with an irregular shape.
Inventor of Gravity
Archimedes invented many important things. One of these things is Archimedes Screw which is still used for irrigation in Egypt. He invented this screw to take water out from ship but it is also used in handling light and many other loose materials which are ash, sand and grain. Another invention which he invented to defend his own city Syracuse is called the clay of Archimedes and that is a kind of weapon. Archimedes contributed in mathematics and calculus also.
This great scientist was killed by a Roman soldier when he was working on his ideas and performing experiments in 212 BC. He died in the age of 75 years and these 75 years are the base of new science.
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