Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Qualifying Test

Are you planning to join armed forces then Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is for you? Yes, you must go through this credential that is mainly intended for prospective military employees. Do you know 40 million examinees have taken ASVAB test? Yes! It is a multiple-choice test that evaluates potential of a candidate in getting a best US army job.
Overview: ASVAB was introduced in 1968. It is co-sponsored by United States Military Entrance Processing Command. The major drive is to evaluate certain skills to get enrolled in United States Armed Forces. Usually, it is offered to American high school students for 10th, 11th and 12th grade. It is one of the best tests and helpful for students in deciding which army job is best for them.
Sections Division: ASVAB is not an IQ test. It mainly measures knowledge in 10 areas specifically in computerized administered (CAP-ASVAB) and pencil and paper (P&P ASVAB) form. Here, below-listed sections along with description, time and number of questions are present:
- General Science: It mainly assess knowledge of earth, physical and space science. In computerized format, 16 questions (8 min) and 25 questions (11 min) are present in written format.
- Arithmetic Reasoning: Involves basic Arithmetic problems. In computerized format, itinvolves 16 questions (39 min) and 25 questions (11) are present in written format.
- Word knowledge: Evaluates the ability to understand meaning of words through synonyms. In computerized format, 16 questions (8 min) and 25 questions (11min) are present in written test.
- Paragraph comprehension: Involves the assessment of gaining information from given paragraphs. In computerized format, 11 questions (22 min) and 25 questions (11 min) are to be solved in written test.
- Mathematics knowledge: Evaluates the mathematical problems and concepts. In computerized format, it involves 16 questions (20 min) and 25 questions (16 min) in written test.
- Electronics information: Involves the evaluation of electrical applications, circuits and systems. In computerized format, it involves 16 questions (8 min) ad 25 questions (11 min) in written test.
- Automotive information: Involves the evaluation of automotive maintenance and repair. In computerized format, itinvolves 11 questions (7 min) and 25 questions (11 min) are present in written test.
- Shop information: Evaluates wood and shop practices. In computerized format, itinvolves 11 questions (7 min) and 25 questions (11 min) are present in written test.
- Mechanical comprehension: This section contains the assessment of mechanical aspects and its properties. In computerized format, itinvolves 16 questions (20 min) and 25 questions (11 min) are present in written test.
- Assembling objects: Regards the evaluation of spatial relationships i.e. 3D or 4D. In computerized format, it involves 16 questions (8 min) and 25 questions (11 in) are to be solved in written test.
Scoring Criteria: Concerning with the scoring criteria, Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) is highly important in ASVAB score as it is the basics to judge whether as student is eligible to go in US Army or not? It further involves ten line scores containing above mentioned sections in each (specific number of sections are included in each score not all sections in one line score):
- Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT)
- Clerical(CL)
- Combat (CO)
- Electronics (EL)
- Field Artillery (FA)
- General Maintenance (GM)
- Mechanical Maintenance (MM)
- Operators and food (OF)
- Surveillance and communications (SC)
- Skilled Technical (ST)
How to get registered? To get registered, follow certain steps:
- In order to apply, contact a recruiter near you via
- After getting determined by recruiter, he/she will schedule time so that you can easily appear to take ASVAB at the nearest Military Entrance Processing station (MEPS) or at any Military Entrance test site (MET).
How to get Prepared? To get prepared, follow certain steps:
- Take technical courses like Arithmetic reasoning, Paragraph comprehension and General Science with subtests.
- Go through the sample questionsat site
- Get yourselfacquainted with content and structure of the test, get to know whether you are going to appear for CAT or P&P ASVAB test?
- Most importantly, take a nap before the test day.
Fee Criteria: U.S. Armed forces invite talented students and demand no single dollar from students as it is offered to candidates free of cost.
Website: For FAQs, details and registration process visit
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