Author Archives: jin - Page 3
9 Things you should know about Plagiarism
9 Things you should know about Plagiarism Plagiarism is common these days. Instructors are using paid software that can detect little amount of plagiarism in your document and get you…
How I got 6 scholarship offers within 6 months aftercompleting my undergraduate studies
Receiving many scholarships offers in less than six months after completing my undergraduate degree is a challenging but rewarding accomplishment. You might think it is impossible, but wait till we…
How to do online research
How to do online research Going online to do research when you’re composing papers and doing undertakings is an easy decision. However the greater part of the decisions readily available…
Steps to become a good researcher
As a good researcher, you need to compose a decent research paper, you must be particular about your subject, comprehend what you need to say, and say it successfully. Let…
What is the scientific process of conducting research?
What is the scientific process of conducting research? Suppose you want to go out on a drive. Before you start, you must decide where you want to go and then…
What is Quantitative and Qualitative Research?
What is Quantitative and Qualitative Research? To get the answers to different questions a problem can be researched based on two different processes. Qualitative research: Research is figured as qualitative…
What do we mean by paradigms of research
There are two fundamental standards or we can say paradigms of research that from the premise of exploration in the social sciences. It is past the extent of this article…
Application based Types of research
Application based Types of research If one examines a research endeavour from the perspective of its application, there are two broad types of research according to this idea. Pure Research…
Objective based Types of Research
Objective based Types of Research If one examines and studies research from the perspective of its objectives broadly; objective-based types of Research can be classified as descriptive, co-relational, explanatory and…
Mode of Inquiry based Types of Research
Mode of Inquiry based Types of Research Mode of inquiry concerns the process one adopts to find answers to his questions. Broadly, there are two approaches to enquiry. The structured…