Archives for General Guidelines
What Is Operational Research?
The British and Europeans call it “operational research” while American calls it “operations research”, Here it is defined. Operations research is a systematic approach which deals with decision-making that leads…
How to Do Literature Review
How to Do Literature Review A literature review illustrates published information in a specific subject area and information in a specific field within a limited period. A literature review can…
What is Academic Dishonesty
Dishonesty in any spare of life is counted as a bad thing. Teachers are considered examples for students to lead their lives in a better way. Students sometimes follow their…
Why students Plagiarize
Why students Plagiarize A standout amongst the most well-known reasons why students plagiarize is because they feel overpowered. It’s hard to juggle the requests of a few classes and have…
Consequences of Plagiarism
Consequences of Plagiarism The results of counterfeiting/plagiarism could be close to ethics, talent and legitimacy. With literary theft recognition programming so promptly accessible and being used, liars are constantly found…
5 common excuses for plagiarism
5 common excuses for plagiarism Copyright or plagiarism is neutral. On the other hand, to be more precise, detecting plagiarism is great. From stories about famous writers getting a big…
Types of Research Papers
Types of Research Papers Different types of research papers are: Case studies. Compare and difference papers. Argumentative papers. Analytical papers. Cause and impact papers. Subject-based papers. Survey exploration and information…
How to detect plagiarism?
There are many software’s which can be used to detect plagiarism. Turnitin is mostly used software to detect plagiarism. The input of that software is the new written document. After…
How to identify a research problem
How to identify a research problem A research problem is a query that anyone going to search about investigate study or talk about in his/her research paper. In short, it…
Steps to make a concept map in research
Steps to make a concept map in research It’s a fact that everyone has their own style of reading and writing different things like novels, poems, research papers etc. However,…