Difference between Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Schizophrenia

You may have heard about depression In fact every being today is fighting and suffering in depression. The issue is mainly related to the clinicians who are more inclined to raise the difference between Bipolar Disorder, Depression, and Schizophrenia. Before knowing the difference there is a need to know what they are actually.
What is Bipolar Disorder?
It is also known as Maniac Depression. It is the older name of depression. Maniac Depression is a kind of disorder that produces and leaves a person in various other shifts. Now the shifts can vary from your mood, energy, and activity levels. It can affect one’s day to day activities and tasks. In short, it mixes up with depression and makes a disorder.
What is Depression?
Depression can be defined as a low interest in the activities. The activities are more related to what you used to enjoy.
What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric illness characterized by psychosis and disintegration of abilities to think logically and maintain normal social behaviour. Common people say it madness.
Bipolar Disorder vs Depression vs Schizophrenia:
How does it feel like?
When it comes to bipolar disorder, an alteration comes in the episodes of excitement and sadness. A being’s mood switches with the passage of time. His or her mood can be sometimes so acceptable and sometimes so irritating. On the other hand, depression makes a man feel like severe unhappiness. It is felt with the span of a shorter time. Depression leaves the victim in utter hopelessness and suicide confession feelings. Whereas in Schizophrenia patients feels like they have been lost from reality. They had no idea what the real world is going through. Their way of thinking is changed. Their feelings are impaired and behaviour is also impaired. They believe in false things or see or hear things that doesn’t exist.
Major Causes:
Well! Considering bipolar disorder it cannot be tracked down to a single cause because it has so many roots to consider. The causes are as follows:
Environmental Factors
Brain-chemical Imbalance
On the other hand, depression causes can be:
Changes in the brain
Change in Dopamine
Whereas the exact causes of schizophrenia are unknown but following are the factors which predispose to schizophrenia such as:
Social factors
Psychological factors
Chemical changes
Pregnancy complications
Biological factors
Childhood trauma
Drug use.
Mental Symptoms:
In the first case, symptoms can be more related to the high and low spans. Whereas Depression carries extended unhappiness, extreme hopelessness, and often the victim feels suicidal sensations. On the other hand, certain symptoms of schizophrenia are classified as either positive or negative. Mental symptoms of schizophrenia include positive symptoms such as:
Hallucination – (an apparent perception of an external object when no such object is present)
Delusion (false beliefs)
Disorganized speech
Grossly disorganized behaviour
Disorganized motor behaviour
Impaired attention
Impaired ability to plan and organize
Impaired memory
Sleep disturbance
Depressed mood or unstable mood
Substance abuse
Illogical or incoherent speech
Aimless or peculiar motor behaviour.
Physical Symptoms:
As far as physical Symptoms are concerned, Bipolar disorder symptoms are seen in the people who talk very fast, distraction can be encountered in their behavior. In short, the factor of permanence cannot be found in their behavior. The permanence won’t be in the sleeping, relational aspect, eating, and other habits. On the other hand, Depression carries a lack of energy, restlessness, changing in the eating episodes. Usually, the victims think very low, face headaches, digestive problems that are not so easy to diagnose in today’s era. Whereas physical symptoms of schizophrenia include negative symptoms such as:
Affective flattening (flat, blunted, labile, inappropriate emotional response)
Avolition (lack of motivation)
Alogia (poverty of speech)
Social withdrawal.
Surely, treatments are the hope for the sick. Here in the case of bipolar disorder Medications and psychotherapy are the most common treatment options for the people. On the other hand, for depression, the most common treatment options are Cognitive-behavioral therapy, medications, ECT, and hospitalization in general. Whereas for schizophrenia antipsychotic drugs are commonly advised by psychiatrists. They affect the brain neurotransmitter dopamine to control the symptoms. Schizophrenia treatment is divided into three categories:
Medical treatment (drugs)
Psychological treatment (cognitive behavioural therapy, individual psychoeducation, and family psychoeducation).
Social treatment (social skills training).
Which medications are mainly prescribed?
Usually, for bipolar disorder, mood stabilizers are recommended and antidepressants are recommended. So that the sufferers may overcome the variations in their mood; whereas in the case of depression, antidepressants are recommended. On the other hand for schizophrenia commonly used antipsychotic medications are prescribed such as:
When it knocks your door:
Considering bipolar disorder, it often develops in adult years mainly before 25 years. Actually, there is no certainty in the age some may get in childhood and others may get in adulthood. On the other hand, Depression is the most common mental disorder in the U.S which is presented in women mainly. Children acquisition of the disease is from 13-18 years old. Whereas for schizophrenia, it equally affects males and females. It is most common between 15 to 35 years of age. It has increased prevalence in the lower socioeconomic groups. There is a 10 percent prevalence in 1st degree biological relatives.
So, summing up the whole of the difference, these diseases can easily affect a person’s life. It can also affect those who live around such kind of people. The sufferers may find peace with the drugs and alcohol just to find peace in relationships, schools, and places of work. It can be overcome through medications and proper treatments. Do you agree with us?
cool story
Very common problem these days
This is useful, but important to note that the ups and downs with Bipolar are not always so clear. A person may feel extended periods of ‘low’ (sad/angry) with very little ‘up’ (happy/active/impulsive etc). Both have the same list of possible causes, stemming from the biological to parental relationships and as the two are linked, inevitably a combination of both. Both are treated similarly – emphasis on treating the most severe/concerning symptoms and ultimately medication with psychotherapy (or CBT if it is more suitable for you) is the best combination for treatment. So, if you feel that your mood is out of step with your life and that you are unhappy, it is best to seek help as things can get better with the right help, whichever of these you may have.
See your GP, who can refer you. Or see a mental health charity like Mind or Open Door, who offer (free/ discounted) therapy also. You can also access short-term therapies like CBT at your local IAPT service (part of the NHS) and you can refer yourself to these too.
Shehbaz sharif is one of the example in between these two stages …
In fact more than this ..in between bipolar disorder and maniac stage
Bipolar n depression are vry difernt
Mark Riley as somebody who is in there late 30,s and as recently been diagnosed as bi polar, i find it fuckin unreal how goverments are willing to sacrifice the mental wellbeing of ppl for the welfare of others, personally i dont think there is nothing wrong with me, others think i,m not right in the head, each to there own there eh. except for muslims, who wanna take over the the world