Difference between Bone and Cartilage

Difference between Bone and Cartilage
Bone and Cartilage belong to skeletal system of various animal species. Bone is an inflexible organ and human body consists of a total of 270 bones. Cartilage is a flexible tissue in between joints, ear and ribs. They are further divided into different categories. Both of them provide a hold up for the body in addition to shield. Furthermore, cartilage serves the purpose of a shock absorber. Many diseases effect bone and cartilage. They also play a role in preservation of body shape. These functions make them vital for to body.
Bony structures have the property of storing calcium and phosphate which is the cause that they are hard and inelastic. Outer covering of bones is made up of two layers and is called ‘periosteum’. Its basic functional unit is called ‘haversion system’ or ‘osteon’. These are cylindrical structures which contain nerves and vessels. Bones have the ability to grow through growth centers which are primary and secondary centers. This is why they have the property to heal after getting fractured. They serve as storage for calcium and phosphate.
It is a connective tissue which lacks its own blood supply and is takes its nutrition from surrounding structures through diffusion. Its structure is composed of chondrocytes, which are the cells making cartilage, and extra cellular matrix which makes 95% component. It is elastic but firm in nature. It has a large percentage of water in it. It has three types, elastic, and hyaline and fibro cartilage. It is subject to various benign and malignant conditions.
Bone VS Cartilage
Bones have two basic types’ i.e. spongy and compact bones.
Cartilage has three types i.e. elastic, hyaline and fibro cartilage.
Bones provide a structural outline for body, provide protection, produce blood cells and work as a storage for minerals.
Cartilage reduces friction between bones around joints, act as shock absorbers and prevent respiratory system tubes from collapsing.
Bones are made up of osteoblasts.
Cartilage is made up of chondrocytes.
It makes whole of the bony structures.
Cartilage is present in ear, nose, larynx, ribs and inters vertebral discs.
Bone is vascular.
Cartilage is avascular.
Bony matrix is composed of proteins called ‘ossein’. Bony matrix has organic nature.
Cartilage matrix is composed of proteins called ‘chondrin’. Cartilage matrix has both components i.e. organic and non-organic.
Bones grows in both directions.
Cartilage grows in a single direction.
Bone marrow:
Bones have marrow in their cavities.
Cartilage has got no marrow.
Outer covering:
Bones have outer covering called ‘perioteum’.
Cartilage has outer covering of ‘perichondrium’.
Skeletal system is composed of bones and cartilage. Along with the soft tissues, they make up whole of the body. Depending upon their functions, they both are crucial to survival.
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