Difference between Convex and Concave Lens

Difference between Convex and Concave Lens
Lens is composed of translucent material which is responsible for image establishment after converging or diverging from that translucent material. There are two types of lenses which rare known as convex lens and Concave Lens. Both of them have numerous uses. And have a staunch impact in the field of optics.
Convex Lens
Convex lens was invented by Benjamin Franklin during the time period of 1784. The convex lens is also known as converging lens. It produces an enlarged image than its original size. Convex lens has denser in the intermediate and are turpentine at the boundaries. They are used in eye and in projector microscope.
Concave Lens
Concave lens are turpentine at the limits and is impenetrable at the central. That is also called as Diverging lens. It is used in glasses. The image formed by concave lens in always virtual. They are used in mirrors of a car. It makes an image to look smaller than its original size.
Convex VS Concave Lens
Convex lens has abundant in the halfway point and are diluter in the ends.
Concave lens are diluter in the middle and are abundant at the boundaries.
Convex lens is also known as “Converging lens” and “Positive lens”.
Concave lens are called as “Diverging lens” and “Negative lens”.
Focal Length:
The focal length which is the distance between from the center and the source is at all times positive.
Focal length of Concave lens is permanently negative.
Image formation:
Image formed by convex lens is always genuine and wrong way up.
The image formed by concave lens is virtual and smaller in size.
Image formed by convex lens is not much magnified in size in comparison to image formed by concave lens.
Concave lens formed magnified image than convex lens.
Attainment of image:
Image obtained by convex lens can be attainted on screen because it is real image.
Image formed by concave lens cannot be formed on screen as it is virtual image.
Used in telescope, camera, projector hand-held microscope and in photography.
It is used in glasses, telescopes and in doors or windows which are used in detection.
Treatment of eye diseases:
Convex lens are used for the treatment of long sight which is also called Hyperopia.
Concave lens are used in treatment of short sight which is also called as Myopia.
Concave and convex lens has revolutionized the field of optics as it is used in treating eyes problem of short or long sight. And they have many advantages without the invention of these lenses the invention of telescope and glasses have not been invented.
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