Difference between Gallstones and Kidney Stones

Stones usually form in the human body may appear strange. However gallstones and kidney stones formed in numerous individuals consistently every year. While huge numbers of individuals have some kind of symptoms, they influence diverse organs and have distinctive reasons and synthesis. Both stones are, generally, the development of specific materials in individual organs. Pain happens when the development hinders the organ from working regularly. In both cases, the stones should be evacuated. Here are some contrasts related to gallstones and kidney stones.
The gallbladder of the human body is of pear-shaped that receives bile from the liver and stores bile salts till the time they are expected to digest the fatty foods. Gallstones occur as a consequence of inappropriate eating routine, liver glitch, toxicity, and/or compound unsettling influence. The most well-known treatment for gallstone is surgery. Keeping in mind the end goal to anticipate gallstones, one ought to have an eating regimen rich in fiber, fewer starches, and less immersed fats like margarine. One ought to additionally practice consistently.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are little crystal stones that shape in the kidney. This occurs when the matter in the urine crystallizes. Kidneys stones typically go out in urine however are to a great degree painful. On the off chance that they are big, or if the body can’t pass the stone, surgery may be required. Kidney stones might be brought on by the utilization of medication pills for birth controlling or if the urinary tract is hindered by a gallstone.
Gallstones Vs Kidney Stones
Gallstones are usually hard lumps that are formed in the bile duct or gallbladder of an individual.
Kidney stones are usually of hard crystalline formation and it is developed in urinary tract or kidney.
Gallstones are classified as:
Mixed gallstones (80%) consist of cholesterol, bile salts, calcium salts.
Pigment gallstones are composed of bilirubin mainly that forms brown or black pigment stones. Brownstones are formed in the bile ducts and commonly seen in Asian countries whereas black stones are formed in the bile ducts.
Cholesterol gallstones are primarily composed of crystalline cholesterol, usually 80% or more. They are most common in western countries.
Some types of kidney stones include calcium stones, uric acid stones, struvite stones, and cysteine stones.
Cholesterol gallstones are formed by the precipitation of cholesterol in the bile either due to increase cholesterol production or decreased bile production. Pigment gallstones are formed as a result of chronic he hemolysis due to any cause as it results in increased bilirubin production.
Nephrolithiasis occurs due to the supersaturation of urine with calcium and oxalate crystals. These particles are retained that gradually form stones.
Gallstones are composed of calcium carbonate, calcium bilirubin, calcium phosphate, and cholesterol.
Kidney stones are composed of calcium salts, uric acid, and cysteine.
Medical term:
For gallstone, the medical term is used which is called “cholelithiasis.”
For gallstones present in the bile duct, the medical term used is “choledocholithiasis”
For kidney stones, a medical term used is called as “nephrolithiasis.”
Some causes of gallstones include
Ethnicity (Mexican American or Native American)
Female sex
Age above 40
Oral contraceptives
Medications like a statin drug
Hereditary factors
High-fat diet
Some causes of kidney stones include
Calcium supplements
Usually, there are no signs and symptoms caused by gallstones until they obstruct a bile duct. The symptoms are pain below ribs, right shoulder, upper right abdomen, backache, nausea, restlessness, sweating, and fever.
The symptoms for the presence of kidney stones are pain colicky in nature below ribs, right shoulder, backache, nausea, fever, sweating.
- Gallstones can cause:
- Acute and chronic cholecystitis
- Choledocholilithiasis
- Acute cholangitis
- Acute pancreatitis
- Empyema
Kidney stones can cause:
- Kidney infection
- Ureteral scarring
- Hydronephrosis
- Renal failure
Ultrasound is the most sensitive and specific test for gallstones (gold standard). Others are CT scans, cholescintigraphy, ERCP, blood tests.
Kidney stones can be diagnosed by ultrasound, CT scan, and intravenous pyelogram.
The treatment of gallstones includes cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal), ursodeoxycholic acid (medication to dissolve gallstones) and lithotripsy (physical break down of stones)
The treatment of kidney stones includes pain control medicine, increased water intake, lithotripsy, and surgery.
In the presence of gallstones, an individual or patient should take a low-fat diet and a vegetarian diet.
In the presence of kidney stones, a patient must drink additional water and avoid food having high oxalate substance.
From the above article, it can be concluded these kidney stones and gallstones have major differences. Both the stones are highly prevalent and can lead to serious problems if there isn’t any early intervention.
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