Difference between Russia and Australia

Difference between Russia and Australia
Russia and Australia both are situated in the eastern side of the equator; in any case, they demonstrate a Caucasian look to world with help of government and broad communications, which thus prompts desires from different societies that they ought to fit in with western qualities. Australia by and large adjusts to western qualities whereas Russia is considered as more eastern.
Russia likewise formally called as Russian Federation and it is actually sovereign nation in northern Eurasia. At almost 17,075,200 square kilometers, Russia is considered as the largest country in whole world. Russia traverses eleven time zones and fuses an extensive variety of landforms and environments.
Australia formally the “Commonwealth of Australia”, is a nation including the terrain of the Australian mainland, and various littler islands. It is world’s 6th largest nation by its area. Neighboring nations incorporate Papua New Guinea, East Timor toward the north and Indonesia.
Russia VS Australia
- Name:
The name “Russia” is gotten from word Rus, a medieval nation populated for the most part by East Slavs. In any case, this name turned out to be more noticeable in the later history, and the nation normally was called by its occupants “russkaja zemlja”, which can interpreted as “Russian Land” or “land of Rus”.
The name “Australia” is gotten from the Latin Terra Australis that is a name utilized for putative grounds as a part of the southern side of the equator since old times. The most initiate recorded utilization of the word “Australia” in English was actually in 1625.
- Area:
Russia is considered as the largest nation in world because it covers greater than one eighth of Earth’s possessed area zone.
Australia is considered as the world’s 6th largest nation by aggregate area.
- Population:
Russia is having almost 146.6 million individuals and known as ninth most populous country.
Australia is having almost 222.6 million individuals.
- Capital:
The capital city of Russia is Moscow.
The capital city of Australia is Canberra.
- Largest city:
The largest city of Russia is its capital city Moscow that has almost population of 10,381,200.
The largest city of Australia is Sydney that has almost population of 4,394,580.
- GDP per capita:
The GDP per capita of Russia is $18,100 according to 2013 est.
The GDP per capita of Australia is $43,000 according to 2013 est.
- Literacy rate:
The literacy rate of Russia is 99.4%.
The literacy rate of Australia is lower as compare to Russia that is 99%.
- Unemployment rate:
In Russia, unemployment rate is 5.8%.
In Australia, unemployment rate is 5.7%.
- GDP by sectors:
In Russia, agriculture contributes 4.2% to GDP, industry contributes 37.5% to GDP, and service sector contributes 58.3% to GDP according to 2013 est.
In Australia, agriculture contributes 3.8% to GDP, industry contributes 27.4% to GDP, and service sector contributes 68.7% to GDP according to 2013 est.
- Debt:
In Russia, public debt is almost 7.9% of GDP according to 2013 est.
In Australia, public debt is 32.6% of GDP according to 2013 est.
From the above article we can conclude that Russia is the largest nation and more contributions to GDP as compare to Australia.
Russia was the supper power and Australia is the emerging as economy.