Difference between Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba

Do you get sudden flashback after hearing words ‘Taliban or Al-Qaeda or Lashkar-e-Taiba’ regarding 9/11? Are they similar terms under one term or how they are related? There is a massive difference between Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba. Now, it has become a necessity of mind to wipe out all confusions. This post will present differences between Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba along with description afterwards.
What is Al-Qaeda?
Al-Qaeda is group of Muslims who follow Wahabism. The ideology for Al-Qaeda is to follow Islamic principles and according to them Islamic leaders should be replaced. It was founded in 1988 and remained operational till 1990 under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden and Mohammad Atif.
What are Taliban?
Taliban is a term that refers to Sunni Islamic group. It was founded by Mullah Mohammad Omar and ruled from 1996 till 2001.
What is Lashkar-e-Taiba?
Lashkar-e-Taiba is a active extremist Islamic terrorist organization in South Asia. It was founded by Hafiz Saeed, Abdullah Azzam and Zafar Iqbal in 1987. It has financial funding from Osama Bin Laden.
Taliban vs. Al-Qaeda vs. Lashkar-e-Taiba
Al-Qaeda is an Arabic Word means “base or foundation”.
On the other side, Taliban is a Pashto terms which fulfils the meaning of “students”.
Lashkar-e-Taiba literally means “Army of the righteous, pure and good”.
Al-Qaeda was originated as “Islamist Group” whereas Taliban are the students of Jamiyat Ulema-e-Islam.
Lashkar-e-Taiba was formed as a small missionary group with the purpose to promote Ahl-e-Hadith version of Islam.
The followers of Al-Qaeda are highly influenced by the writings of Syed Qutb i.e., Qutbism. More than that they follow Pan-Islamism, Wahabism and Islamic Fundamentalism whereas Taliban follows Pashtun Tribal codes that covers Jihad aspects.
Lashkar-e-Taiba believes in the ideology of Sunni Islam and Islamic fundamentalism.
Active Region
Concerning with Al-Qaeda, they perform operations globally. Collectively, the attacks in US, Yemen, India and Europe has been carried out.
On the other hand, the attacks are carried out in Afghanistan and Pakistan by Taliban.
Lashkar-e-Taiba operates in areas of Pakistan and India with the motive of integration of Jammu and Kashmir with Pakistan.
Strict Principles
Al-Qaeda follows Qutbism that explains Islam as a complete code of life. They believe Jihad i.e. use of armed warfare to mobilize Islam.
On the other hand, Taliban follows a very strict code of living, suppress two genders to follow their standards and principles at any cost. Men and women are forced to switch off Televisions and any social Media.
Al-Qaeda is deemed as a permanent cadre of terrorists groups. There are different committees organized like Business, Islamic law and Media.
On the other hand, Taliban have no governmental aspect. Complete dictatorship has captivated the groups. Sharia courts are responsible to handle civil cases.
Al-Qaeda has carried out a number of bombing attacks in North Africa. It has carried out six major terrorist attacks. Four of these were in its jihad against America. It was responsible for 1992 Yemen Hotel Bombings, 1998 US embassies in East Africa bombings, 2000 suicide attack o the missile destroyer USS Cole and September 11 attacks on America.
Taliban came up as a terrorist organisation in 1994 Afghan Civil War. It fought during the Soviet-Afghan War as well. It engaged in cultural genocide as well. It destoyed the famous 1500-year old Buddhas of Bamiyan.
Lashkar-e-Taiba carried out armed attacks on Indian Armed Forces in Jammu and Kashmir. It was also responsible for carrying out attacks in Karachi, Pakistan for showing its resistance to policies made by former president Pervez Musharraf. It organizes various training camps for religious and combat training. It has designed 21-day religious camps, 21-day basic combat camps and 3-months advanced combat course. The cadets participating in these camps are taught and trained by professionals. Later, they work as secret agents who gather information about neighbouring countries.
Summing up, Al-Qaeda is under Osama Bin Laden and Taliban is under Mullah Omar. Still strict rules are followed by both groups and Madrasas are constructed to teach Islamic principles. Considering the distinctions and comparison, this is wrong to treat both groups as a single entity. Subjectively, common Muslim man is scared to even hear about these groups and follows QURAN at home to grasp peace.Do you agree with us?
knowledge based info.
Alqaida is not as in news these days as ISIS.