Difference between USA and Germany football World Cup 2014

Difference between USA and Germany football World Cup 2014
The rumor of world cup is now at the peak and everyone is waiting for it deliberately. Talking about today’s scenario, in the match, USA and Germany are in the battlefield. Talking about USA, the team is more inclined towards victory because in the very last time, they didn’t played well. So here is the difference between USA and Germany football World Cup 2014.
USA vs Germany football World Cup 2014
USA’s Passion: When it comes to USA, the team is more inclined to look at point through which it can defeat the Germany in the final 16 of the world cup 2014. The team is more likely to be passionate throughout the game. For USA, the game is easier because when they were with Portugal, at the very time, Portugal in the fifth minute injury against USA stopped the team from entering in the final games.
A Big game between USA and Germany: Today the biggest game is between the two above mentioned teams. It will be teal casted at 12 p.m. as far as watching of the match is concerned, the game can be watched online through live stream. It is free for the subscribers.
How can the victory be gained? Now, who will win? The matter of curiosity is aroused in the minds of the views. As far as Germany is concerned, if they would just play out a draw then USA along with it can also progress in the match. USA as runners up and Germany as group winners. But Germany has more chances to win because of the goal difference between the two. They are reassuring the audience that they will be winning and playing ahead in future.
What will be aftermaths in case of defeat?If any of the team loses, they both could still qualify for the last 16. But fate is hovering around them. All is a matter of fate. Because their fate will be deciding the goal difference between Ghana and Portugal.
When it come sto Portugal, it has a low goal difference of -4. They are so in vein to progress but they can even win only through hat full of goals or the defeat of any one of the game between Germany and USA.
Are two teams ever been before at the same platform?When it comesto the meeting of these two teams before, yes they do met in 1998, when Germany won 2-0 with USA. When Jürgen Kinsman was the man who scored the second goal and now he is one of the famous coaches. Throughout the history, Germany is leading as in 2002, Germany took a great part a claiming to win at 1-0.
Today’s Big Game: Today at sharp 12 p.m. the two teams will be playing against each other. It can also be watched online through the main stream.
Summing the whole discussion, the difference between the two is the goal difference of the teams. The victory can be in the hands of the both of the teams but the chance of winning is Germany is higher in the minds of the audience.
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