ECAT- Engineering College Admission Test

There are so many tests upon a person think and further he plans to apply for the test that will match his needs. Among this tunnel, we come across so many tests for example. GAT, NAT and many others tests n are surely worthy to discuss. Let’s consider E-CAT, it is basically a subject test, there is an involvement of various other subjects like physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer and any subject that is more related to the engineering courses. The subjects are divided into many other sections, and according to those sections, questions vary. Each section carries different questions related to that particular subject. The contents of ECAT are comprised of four Subjects i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Math and English of F.Sc. Pre-Engineering or equivalent level. The pattern of test is based on the criteria decided by the respective Universities & Colleges.Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English are the sections in a standard ECAT format. However; English contents vary from university to university. For example the ECAT format for UET Lahore is different than that of NUST ECAT format. In short, every college’s test will be different from other college.
Test Format:
How to prepare different subjects for the preparation? You need to evaluate yourself first: Evaluation is an important part which makes you realize what you need and what you lack. In this way, the sample question will help you in determining and preparing the entire question regarding one subject. Let’s take physics, chemistry and mathematics for sample preparation:
Physics for E-CAT test: If you are not familiar with the question types, then this guide will help you in the preparation for In this section, there are 50 questions like, in order to know the
Question 1/50 sponsored by college of admission test (Peshawar)
Q: A force of 1000 N acts on a body for 0.01 sec and changes its velocity from 1m m/s to 20 m/s, what will be the impulse?
A: 100 n-secs
B: 50 n-secs
C: 10 n-secs
D: 5 n-secs
How will you prepare chemistry test? In this subject, there will be 50 questions, and the candidate has to attempt all. Here are sample questions which will you:
Q: In benzene particle each ring carbon is:
A: sp2 hybridized
B: sp3 hybridized
C: sp hybridized
D: not hybridized
Preparation of Mathematics subjects: As following the name, it suggests that, the questions more related to the Quantitative and qualitative research will own this session: this section will carry to 50 questions and the candidate has to perform all.
Why NAT-IE offers by various other colleges not E-CAT? Well, it is a controversial debate that why they offer this instead of e-cat. But the syllabus is concerned, they syllabus for the contents of ECAT for UET, BZU-Multan, and UET-Texila are based on F.Sc. syllabus. Most of the questions are really bookish. The main difference in ECAT for other institutes like NUST, GIKI, and FAST are contents of English question format, number of questions in Subject sections, and proportion of conceptual questions. Your preparation level for all tests must be high. It is really demanding to have full knowledge of test along with the subjects. However, for UET ECAT you must focus mainly on the F.Sc. book contents. To cover the conceptual part of other tests you must study the refresher of each subject in this site. For effective preparation a large number of practice questions are required.
The problem of English- a cogitation of every student: In any entry test, English becomes a common issue which distracts the mind of the candidate. In this way, he or she goes for the cramping thing. They are of the view that they will be having such questions which will be much related to the difficult vocabulary. But to prepare the common grammar will surely help you in preparing the test. The questions which will be included in it will be much more related to the sentence correction questions.
For example:
Q: He was at the beach side. He enjoys a lot with his friends
Correct sentence is he was at the beach side. He enjoyed a lot with his friends.
What is the major schedule for E-CAT test? It is the striking question which is important for every student. As far as the schedule is concerned, every college and university has its own schedule for the test in B.E and B.Sc. engineering classes. Mostly colleges display the whole schedule in summers, mainly in the month of June and display it till the end of the august. But there are many other institutions which do offer their own schedule in November.
How can you register yourself for e-cat test? Registration always keeps its importance when it comes to the admission. The major criteria for the registration are that when you will be encountering the admission test of a particular institute. Sometimes, you can get that form any of the banks that are nearer to the place. And also many of the applicants form are available at those particular institutions where you want to apply.
What is the registration fee for e-cat? Applicant’s fee ion this process will also be included. It ranges from 500 to 1500 rs.
Your score matters a lot! Evaluation will be made on the basis of the score you will be having and also on the basis of the previous core you had. In other words, both are highly important for the evaluation.
Merit list will be displayed after some days of the tests or may be the acceptance letter will be at the door of the candidate.
What will be the required score for the E-CAT test?
The normal score is 320 along with the score of 400 points (which you will have in that F.Sc program me). They use screening device to match the points you scored.
Finally, at the Test Center! When you will go for the test, try to wind up soon without leaving any question. If time is left and you have done all the work then you can back to complete the unmarked questions.
For more details, visit the site
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