Edu Foundation Scholarships 2025 for African Students

BS / Bachelors / Masters / MS / PhD Degree
Fully Funded Scholarships for African Students
2025 / 2026 Scholarships in Ghana
Edu Foundation Scholarships 2025
Fondazione Edu is a family foundation specializing in higher education in Africa. It was founded in 2005, to realize the desire of the founders to promote young people’s access to higher education in developing countries namely Africa. Its focus is on the disciplines of technical-scientific and agronomic. Edu Foundation is offering scholarships for African students. These scholarships are offered for those applicants who wish to pursue their study in any program degree that are offered at the University of Ghana in Ghana.
The Fondazione Edu’s operations are meant to support capacity building in Africa and result in the provision of scholarships for university studies that cover the entire cost of training and its accompanying expenditures. They not only encourage individual progress but also the development of professionalism, which can contribute to long-term socioeconomic development.
Fields of Study / Subjects
Applicants can choose any filed in any program available at University of Ghana for any degree program.
Other latest Scholarships in Ghana are also offered for different degrees and subjects all over the Ghana.
Numbers of Scholarships
100 scholarships are offered for African students annually
Duration of Scholarships
4 year duration for all degree programs at the University of Ghana
Scholarships Description / Details
University of Ghana provides some grants/facilities for students, these are:
- Cover tuition fees
- Books
- Cover room and board cost
- Awarded for four years as long as excellent academic standards of at least a B average of 3.00 CGPA continue to be met and need is demonstrated
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for these scholarships must meet the following criteria:
- Are a Level 100 student
- Obtained an aggregate of 14 or better at the WASSCE
- Applicants able to demonstrate limited family income and/or insufficient funds to cover most or all educational related expenses
- Have the will to succeed (determination, perseverance and success in other pursuits)
- Continuing science student with CGPA 3.75 and above (very limited slots)
How to Apply / Download Scholarships Form / Documents Required
To Apply for this Scholarship:
- Applicants must additionally PRINT OUT A HARDCOPY OF THE PREVIEW OF THE COMPLETED ONLINE FORM, along with all applicable supporting evidence, and send it to the Students Financial Aid Office by the deadline.
- Submit the required essays, a copy of your academic records(WASSCE grades) letters of recommendation and supporting need documents
Supporting need documents are: - Official pay slip or payroll record of parents/guardians or the applicant
- Recent school receipts/ bills of siblings of school going age
- Tax return receipts– IRS, VAT, tabletop hawking receipts, etc
- Birth Certificates (of siblings)
- Death Certificate or Burial permit (in case of death of a parent)
- Pension letter for retired parents/guardians
- Bank Statements / Ghana Cocoa Board Farmers Association Passbook
- SSNIT contribution statements
- Money transfer receipts
- National Health Insurance receipts (showing premium paid)
- Evidence of other dependents of parents/guardians
- Any other supporting documents that you believe will assist in the processing, of your application
- High School Transcripts (Terminal Reports)
- West African Senior School Certificate Exam Results (WASSCE)
- University Acceptance Letter
- Records regarding achievement tests, academic awards, honors, and substantive assessments by teachers, including letters of recommendation.
- Confirm that you are not currently receiving support through any other scholarship program
Contact us:
- Office Location:
- House No. 11 East Legon – Main Campus behind the College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences and opposite CEGENSA. - Telephone:020- 518- 6904 or 0302-945-312
Postal Address:
Students Financial Aid Office
University of Ghana
P.O. Box LG 25, Legon
Last Date to Apply / Deadline:
13 February 2025
Official Website:
Visit official website for further details
I am intrested in applying fo scholarship but have some limitation ,both my parents passed away.latetly my Father sponsered me through the Diploma programe but I wish to persue Digree programe in the same but I lack someone who can sponser me.Kindly could your University help me since I am an Orphan ? I will be gratefull if I will be concidered.
You contact the email or phone no provided at the end of post / scholarship
Good Luck