George Eastman Inventor of Roll Film

Biography of George Eastman
Early Life
George Eastman inventor of roll film was a very famous inventor, businessman and philanthropist. He is known best for his invention of roll film and it can be said that this invention led him to be considered as a scientist. He was an American by the nationality and descent pattern. He was born in the year of 1854 in the month of July on 12th day and his place of birth was as Rochester which is located in New York, United States of America. His parent’s names were as George Washington Eastman and Maria Eastman and he was youngest of all of their children so as a result, he was very darling of all members of the family from birth age.
His family was not as larger because he had only two sisters as siblings and both of them were older than him. He started his formal education but for that, he was not admitted formally to a school and in spite of that, he was taught by family by staying at home. His father had launched his own school in the early years of 1840 and the school was named as Eastman Commercial College and it was located in Rochester and was related to the field of Business. He was just eight years of age, when he was admitted in his own school in the year of 1862.
Just some years after that, his life changed immensely and he passed on from many accidents. The reason was that his father died of brain hemorrhage while one of his sisters died too as she was running ill of polio form a young age. This happened, when he was just 15 years of age and as a result, he had to start his own career.
Inventor of Roll Film
He started his business in the field of photography but he was looking for something like a roll film now days. As a result, he succeeded in inventing this memorable and important thing which changed the dimensions of the field of photography. After his invention, he applied for a patent in the year of 1884 and after some years developed the very first Kodak camera which was specifically designed for the roll film usage in it.
Roll Film
Roll Film is also known as a rollfilm sometimes and hence it can be said that it is specific form of photographic film which is in type of spool wound. This is shaped specifically and protected in the way that a paper backing is exposed to a white light and generally opposes the other film formats which are normally saved from this kind of direct exposure.
He died in the year of 1932 in the month of March on 14th day. He was almost 77 years of age at the time of his death.
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