Gordon Moore Founder of Intel Corporation

Biography of Gordon Moore
Early Life
Gordon Moore founder of Intel Corporation is a famous American businessman and entrepreneur. He was born in the year of 1929 on January 3rd in San Francisco, California in United States of America. After his initial education from his local school, he joined University of California. He earned his degree of Bachelors of Science from there in the year of 1950 in field of Chemistry. After that, he was enrolled in California institute of technology and also known as Caltech and got his PhD in chemistry in the year of 1954. After spending some time in San Jose State University, he completed his post doctoral research in physics in John Hopkins University in the year of 1956.
Initial Career
After his completion of his education, he started his formal career in the year of 1957, when he got his first job in William Shockley semiconductor laboratory. After working for some years over there, he joined Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation which was co founded by Robert Noyce and Sherman Fairchild.
Co Founder of Intel Corporation
Gordon Moore is widely credited as co founder of Intel Corporation. After his initial career in Shockley Semiconductor, now he was working with Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation. He met with Robert Noyce in Fairchild Company, who was the founder of the company and they became good friends. Later on, due to having some clashes with Sherman, Robert and Gordon left the company and stated trying to find out their own company. As a result, they cofounded Intel Corporation in the year of 1968. They utilized their experience of the field which they worked in and made it a very famous company.
Intel Corporation
Intel Corporation was co founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore in the year of 1968 on July 18th. The company was started in a manner that Noyce worked as a visionary leader of the company while Moore was working as the Virtuoso of technology. Generally Intel is an information technology sector multinational company which was started for the making of semiconductor chips. Presently this company its head quarter is in Santa Clara, California in United States of America. The number of employees working with Intel is about 107, 200 and having global revenue of 52.70 billion United States dollars. Now a days, company generally deals in different products and having some like Bluetooth chip sets, flash memory, microprocessors, motherboard chip sets, network interface cards and so many like this. Its area of service is worldwide and it is said as that Intel Corporation is present in every second home having computer. The reason behind this statement is the number of people using computers with Intel microprocessors.
Present Situation
Presently, he is living in San Francisco and is about 85 years of age. His co founded Intel Corporation is considered as the largest company of microprocessors in the world with its processor in every second computer.
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