How to Do Literature Review
How to Do Literature Review

A literature review illustrates published information in a specific subject area and information in a specific field within a limited period. A literature review can be a brief synopsis of the sources, but it normally has an organized pattern both synthesis and summary. A summary is a recap of the major information of the sources and a reorganizing, of that information. The literature review evaluates the sources and informs the reader on the most relevant or applicable. A literature review can be conducted in different ways.

What to read in literature search:

Before we begin and start telling how to write a literature search. I must tell about what to look for in the article when you are doing a literature search:

  • Look for the research question and compare it with yours. Find and note the difference and compare how your research question is different.
  • Analyze their methodology. Study carefully what methodology they have adopted.
  • Discuss and read their results with your co-team members and ask them for advice if you are doing the same research, your results should be in correspondence to previous ones.
  • Limitation is a thing that every study has. Look whether your study has it or not, Always seek help from renowned writers and share with them your problem.

Start your Research:

  • Explain what your topic and objective will be.
  • Make a list of keywords and synonyms by using dictionaries and encyclopedias.
  • Moreover, there are four steps of conducting a literature review.
    • Searching for the accessible literature in your area of interest/study
    • Examine/study the selected literature
    • Make a theoretical framework
    • Make a conceptual framework

Searching for the already present literature:

There are three sources through which anybody can search existing literature like

  • Books
  • Journals
  • The Internet

Well, books and journals are more authentic sources for conducting a literature review as compared to the internet. There are online journals as well available on the internet but make sure to use authentic sources for conducting literature review.

Study the selected Literature:

  • Once you have searched the source you need to identify the books and articles that are useful.
  • The next step is to read or analyze the material critically to find out the issues and major themes.
  • Through literature review, numerous themes emerged that normally become the base of developing a theoretical framework.
  • Now when you have developed a rough theoretical framework, find out the themes and note them down on a separate sheet.

Make a Theoretical Framework:

  • The information collected through journals and books now needs to be sorted under the major issues, themes and theories.
  • Once you start reading the literature, you will find out the problem easily that you need to investigate.
  • Making a theoretical framework helps you to identify the unanswered queries and problems but for this purpose, you need to analyze some of the literature critically.
  • Based on reading literature you can further develop a theoretical framework. The theoretical framework focused on describing the relationship between mortality and infertility.

Make a conceptual framework:

  • The theoretical framework is based on theories and issues whereas, the conceptual framework explains the aspects you selected from the theoretical framework to become the grounds of your enquiry.
  • The conceptual framework focused on indicators to evaluate the failure and accomplishment of the approaches to improve community responsiveness.

Writing a Literature Review:

Writing a literature review serves various functions such as,

  • It offers a theoretical background to your study in an effectual manner.
  • Permit you to contextualize your findings.
  • Make you able to show how your findings and work contribute to the already present literature or knowledge.
  • It enhances your area of knowledge effectively.
  • It helps add your research findings and enhances your methodologies.


This is a step that helps you see what’s going on in the world around your topic and how you can have it differently. First, go through this blog to have some idea about literature search so that in an interview you don’t get confused about your research problem.