Interesting Things your Hands Say about your Health

Although each part of the human body is of remarkable value, but hands are of supreme value. Each and every activity of our daily routine involves making use of hands, like while interacting with others we shake hands while eating, shopping, and many more. Basically, hands are hidden doors to our health and personality.
According to Carl Jung
“Often the hands will solve a mystery that intellect has struggled with in vain”
Facts related to Hand: The appearance of our hands and nails tells us a great deal of information related to diseases, allergies, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies a person is suffering from.
Palmar Erythema
If a person palms remain red all the time then there is a need to get a medical checkup, because reddening of palms might be due to palmar erythema, a condition that is related to liver disease. The main reason for it might be high blood pressure. If the pressure is applied on the palm, color may turn to white for a short duration before returning to read again.
Raynaud’s Disease
It is more important for individuals who live in an area with freezing temperatures particularly women. When a person is exposed to extreme cold the finger and toes turn blue/ white due to reduced blood supply to these areas. The best treatment is to soak hand in warm water and along with it, proper treatment is also required.
Calcium Deficiency
One of the indicators of calcium deficiency is soft, easily broken, and dry nails as well as dry hairs. The best treatment is to take a diet rich in calcium as well as it is necessary to take vitamins either through food or as a supplement.
Fingertip Appearance
If a person’s fingertips are rounded and thick, then it might be an indicator that a person is suffering from some problems related to the heart and lungs. So it is time to visit a doctor.
Length of Finger
It is an interesting piece of information that the length of the finger is an important indicator of health. For e.g. index finger length is indicative of cancer related issues, like if a man has long index finger than there are low chances of prostate cancer in men.
Swollen Hands and Sweaty Palms
If a person has a problem related to thyroid functioning then the condition of the hand can serve as an indicator of the problem. If palms are too sweaty or if hands and fingers are swollen to the extent that a person is unable to carry out normal functioning then it is a warning sign that something is wrong, a checkup is required.
It is a condition in which joints of fingers appears to be deformed. It is often associated with pain. In severe cases, surgery is recommended, while in case of minor deformation simple treatments like applying ice can be useful.
Fungal disease is very common. If person nails appear to be yellow then it is an indicator of fungal disease. If your nails are dry, easily broken then it might be an indicator that your thyroid is not properly functioning. Nails that are of extreme white color might indicate liver problems like hepatitis. If you have brittle nails, it can be a sign you’re lacking vital nutrients in your diet.
Cold Hands
Hands with fingers often turning purple in color may be due to stress, even low blood pressure or insufficient amount of blood supply in different parts of the body. Raynaud’s disease may be one of the causes of cold hands.
Hand Shaking / Tremors
Trembling hands might be an indicator of some neurological or degenerative problems like Alzheimer’s.
This is a condition in which a person has enlarged and swollen hands. It might be due to over activation of the pituitary gland in our body, it might be secreting too much hormone than actually required.
Chewed Fingers
If the skin around fingers is bitted or finders are chewed then it might be an indicator of nervousness or anxiety.
Red Bumps on your Hands
Appearing of Red bumps on your hand is a sign of nickel allergy. Whenever you touch or eat food containing nickel you develop red bumps on your hand. You must be wondering that whenever you touch coin you get red bumps on your hands? This is because you’re allergic to nickel. But these effects not only come by touching a nickel they also have the same effects if you ingest foods containing nickel in them such as oatmeal, beans, or chocolates.
Itchy Hands with Rashes on them
Itchy hands with rashes on them are the signs of developing eczema. The itchy rash can lead to:
Pustule (tiny pimple containing pus in it)
Painful cracks in your hands
Crusts (hard outer layer of skin of your hand)
Burning sensations (hands become warm and painful)
Bleeding skin
If you develop these signs than immediately consult your dermatologist and find a solution.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome causes pain in your hands and it also causes symptoms of numbness and tingling in your hands. The majority of people develop tingling or numbness at night time because they sleep with their wrists bent which puts pressure on their median nerve (medial side of the arm, near both the biceps brachii and brachialis muscle).
Heart Disease
Your hand also tells about the health of your heart! When you shake your hand with someone, the grip of handshake decides how healthy your heart is, if you have a strong grip that means you have a healthy heart and if you have a weak grip that means your heart health is not good. That is the reason your cardiologist shakes hand with you!
Trigger finger
Trigger finger is also known as stenosing tenosynovitis. It means a finger that is bent or gets stuck when you try to straighten it. Anyone can suffer from triggering finger but most commonly it affects women than men and it mostly affects the ring finger or thumb. The risk of this disease is increased in a person with diabetes, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, and thyroid disease. It also develops in a person who uses his hand more often.
Concluding the whole, now you are fully aware of signs of hands related to diseases. That’s why doctors during an examination, examine your hands also because there are a lot of healthy and unhealthy signs hidden in your hands. How much you concerned about care of your hands ?
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