International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS) Scholarships for International Students

PhD / Doctoral Scholarships
Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students
2021 / 2022 Scholarships in Germany
International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS) Scholarships 2021
The International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS) is a joint project of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research and the University of Stuttgart. IMPRS-CMS is offering research scholarships for international applicants. The research activities can be summarized on five core areas:
1) Collective Phenomena
2) Complex Materials
3) Interfaces
4) Nano-science
5) Developing of experimental and theoretical Methods
Fields of Study / Subjects
Students can choose these fields for PhD and Doctoral research program:
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Materials science
Other latest Scholarships in Germany are also offered for different degrees and subjects all over the Germany.
Numbers of Scholarships
10 scholarships are offered annually for PhD and Doctoral level study
Duration of Scholarships
The duration is 04 years for PhD and Doctoral level study
Scholarships Description / Details
IMPRS-CMS fellows will obtain contract of labor which is sufficient to cover living expenses in the Stuttgart area
Eligibility Criteria
To obtain this scholarship, applicant must be:
- Have Diploma or M.Sc. in Chemistry, Physics, Material Science or related subjects
- Have a good academic record
How to Apply / Download Scholarships Form / Documents Required
To Apply for this Scholarship:
- Apply online application system
- Applicants must upload certificates and other supporting documents as a single PDF-file
- Documents must be in the following order:
- Curriculum vitae in short form
- Transcripts / record of study / diplomas, e.g. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree
- Certifications (TOEFL /IELTS, GRE, honors and awards (if available, not mandatory)
- Publications (only first page)
Contact us:
- H. G. Libuda
- InternationalMax Planck Research School
- for Condensed Matter Science
- Heisenbergstrasse 1
- D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany
- phone: ++49-711-689-1469
- fax: ++49-711-689-1632
Note: Upload only in one PDF-FORMAT (max. = 25 pages)!!! ZIP-files will be deleted!!!
- Not accept any hardcopies by mail or fax
- All submitted documents must be in English or in German
- Before you start the registration, have all documents at hand
- Your referees will be contacted automatically by the database program
Last Date to Apply / Deadline: 28th February (Annual)
Official Website: Visit official website for further details
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