Italian Government Scholarships for National / International Students

Bachelors / BS / Masters / MS / PhD Scholarships
Partial Funded Scholarships for National / International Students
Italian Government Scholarships 2024
Italian Government is offering scholarships for both foreign citizens and Italian citizens resident abroad (IRE). The scholarships are offered for the following type of courses: Undergraduate University courses (renewals only); Postgraduate University courses; Master’s Degree courses (Levels I or II); Ph.D. Courses; Specialization Schools; Research under academic supervision; Courses of Higher Education in Art, Music, and Dance (AFAM); Advanced Courses on Italian language and Cultural Courses for Teachers of Italian as a second language.
These grants are offered through MAECI (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation). The aim of this scholarship program is:
- To promote Italian language and culture
- To support the economic system of Italy in the world
- To promote international cooperation in scientific, technological, and cultural fields.
Scholarships are accessible to take part in academic studies in Italy only.
Fields of Study / Subjects:
Italian Government Scholarships is available in any fields at the Italian universities such as:
- Higher education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM)
- Research under academic supervision
- Undergraduate course
- Postgraduate courses
- Advanced courses on Italian language
- Master’s degree
- D. degree
- Culture courses for teachers of Italian as a second language
- Specialization schools.
Other latest Scholarships in Italy are also offered for different degrees and subjects all over Italy.
Duration of Scholarships:
The scholarship duration may be three, six, or nine months. Only for courses for teachers of the Italian language, the scholarship duration is one month.
Scholarships Description / Details:
Italian Government Scholarships is offering many grants for the applicants, which are given as follows:
- The scholarship holders are exempt from the payment of the university tuition fees, under existing regulations. However the Universities, as part of their autonomy, may not allow such exemption. Candidates are therefore recommended to contact the chosen Institution in order to be informed on eventual taxes or tuition fees
- This exemption is not for cultural language and cultural courses
- 900 euros monthly payment
- Necessary health insurance
- For the sole period of the scholarships granted by the Italian Government, the scholarship-holders are covered by an insurance policy against illness and/or accident. Air tickets are not granted, except for Chilean citizens
- Detailed information regarding the scholarship offer, can be requested to the Italian Embassy or Italian Cultural Institute in the applicant’s country of citizenship.
Eligibility Criteria:
In order to be considered as eligible for the Italian Government Scholarship, the applicant should possess the following eligibility criteria:
- Educational qualification required by the chosen institution
- Knowledge of Italian Language: candidates must possess a certificate of intermediate level in Italian (e.g. CILS B2, CELI 3, PLIDA B2 or INT.IT Roma Tre) or equivalent linguistic proficiency, if he is applying for italian-taught courses or any other cultural course
- Candidates who are younger than 18 y. o. (born not after 15 April 1998) or older than 35 y. o. (born not before 15 April 1981) on the day of the deadline for the submission of the applications, are not eligible. Candidates for Courses for teachers of Italian as a second language are eligible until they are 45 y. o. (born not before 15 April 1971) on the day of the deadline for the submission of the applications
- Students enrolled in a year exceeding the legal duration of the course of study (the so-called “fuori corso”) are not eligible for scholarships.
- The international students from the following list of countries can participate in this scholarship program.
- For the candidates who are applying for Ph.D. program, having an acceptance letter is necessary for them.
- Those applicants are not to be considered who cannot meet eligibility criteria.
For 2023, it’s deadline was in June but for 2024, it is not announced yet.
Stay in touch with official website for the announcement of deadlines for 2024.
How to Apply / Download Scholarships Form / Documents Required:
- All applicants must apply online application form at official site.
- Attach all necessary documents with form.
- If a candidate is a Ph.D. student then he must obtain a letter from his supervisor, stating the positive progress of their studies.
- If a candidate is a Master’s degree or an AFAM student then he must upload a certificate with exams issued by his university or school.
Contact us:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and International Cooperation
Piazzale della Farnesina, 1
00135 Rome
Tel: (+39) 06.3691. 8899
Fax: (+39) 06 3236210
Official Website:
Visit the official website for further details:
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