Jack Dorsey Founder of Twitter

Biography of Jack Dorsey
Early Life
Jack Dorsey founder of Twitter was born in the year of 1976 on 19th November in Saint Louis, Missouri, United States of America. His parent Marcia Smith and Tim Dorsey belonged to Italian descent and he was grown up as a catholic. He was admitted in Catholic High school for his early education. After that, he was taken to Bishop Du Bourg High School for his further studies.
Interest in the Field
He was just 13 years of age when his interest raised in dispatch routing. In very young age, he created some software by using this process and these software’s are still used by some taxi companies in United States. He was enrolled in Missouri University of Science and Technology for his further studies. After studying for sometime in this university he was subsequently transferred to University of New York for further studies of higher level. He was a dispatch programmer in his practical work and this thing led him to founding of Twitter Inc. While his work on dispatch programming, later on, he moved to California for his work.
Co founder of Twitter Inc
After moving to California, he started his own dispatch company for programming which normally dispatched couriers, taxi services and other works like this. His work was going on and he used to control emergency services through web. This thing made him very famous eventually and it resulted in the founding of Twitter Inc. He had an idea of web based short time message service and for this purpose he thought to launch such website which may fulfill best of his idea. For this purpose, he launched Twitter Inc. with three other friends who are widely credited as co founders of Twitter Inc. It was found with Stone Noah Glass and one other member also and was originally named as TWTR.
Twitter Inc
Twitter Inc. generally basis on a website with a link of www.twitter.com and mostly known as a social networking website. Twitter is one of the best social networking websites and it comes normally in first 10 in the ranking of websites. After its launch, its user friendly features of tweeting, re tweeting, following and other options like this made it a very popular website for social networking among people. This thing helped its founders to collect a lot of revenue and as a result increasing the quality of services of Twitter Inc.
Present Situation
Jack Dorsey’s work in this field is not just limited to founding of Twitter Inc. and in fact he is founder of Square which is also a mobile money earning website. He is known as the one of the best businessmen of the computer science field who knows the every way to earn revenue from the websites. Presently he is 37 years of age.
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