John Glen Sperling Founder of Apollo Education Group

Biography of John Glen Sperling
Early Life
John Glen Sperling founder of Apollo Education Group was born on 9th January, 1921 in Missouri Ozarks. He belonged to a very poor family. His father was a worker in railroad and his mother was an extremist Christian. He lived his early life in sailing in the merchant marine. He got his undergraduate degree from the Reed College, Oregon. He got his master’s education from the University of California, Berkeley. After completing his masters he went on to do PhD from the University of Cambridge in the field of economic history.
Founder of Apollo Education Group
After completing his education he entered into the field of business by founding Apollo in 1973. He founded that group with the foundation of the University of Phoenix in 1950s when he has no investors at all and no business track record also.
Apollo Education Group, Incorporation
Apollo Education Group, Incorporation is a company of the United States of America in the field of commercialized education provider. The headquarters of the company is based in South Phoenix Area of Phoenix Arizona, United States of America. This group is providing educational services and is a company in the field of for profit educational services and institutions. This is registered in the stock exchange market with the name of S&P 400.
There are four higher education institutions which are being operated through this group. These four for-profit institutions are the University of Phoenix, the Institute for Professional Development, Western International University and the College for Financial Planning (Axia College).
He died in his hometown on 22nd August in the year of 2014. He is regarded as an entrepreneur and a businessman who changed the way of business and revolutionized the field by introducing the contemporary concept of for- profit education system in the United States and that movement spread throughout the world.
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