John Walker Founder of Autodesk

Biography of John Walker
Early Life
John Walker founder of Autodesk is a famous American businessman and entrepreneur. He was born in the year of 1950 on April 19th in California, United States of America. He started his early education in his local town school and later on for formal education, he joined Catha invent School. He graduated from there after a couple of years and after that, he joined University of California to study the computer science. He earned his graduation degree from there when he was just 23 years of age.
Initial Career
He was very much interested in the studies of computer science and it can be said as that it was his passion. This was the field, he started his career in. After his graduation, he started his formal career in the years of 1974 and 1975 when he wrote his first software named as ANIMAL software. This software self replicated on UNIVAC 1100 machines and was considered as one of the first computer viruses of the world.
Founder of Autodesk
John Walker is widely credited as founder of Autodesk. After his initial career as a software engineer, he was the person who founded the manufacturing company of hardware integration named as Marin chip. This was the thing, which excelled the translation of a lot of computer language companies to Intel platform. After his initial successes, he pooled 59,000$ with twelve other programmers to start Autodesk in the year of 1982. Very initially, they started to work on several computer applications. The first computer application, they completed was AutoCAD which is generally a software for computer aided design also known as CAD and drafting etc. Later on, the company became the very good global revenue holder just after some years of its birth as John Walker was doing his best to make it a top rank company.
Autodesk was founded by John Walker in the year of 1982. The company was founded by investing 59,000 by John and his friends and the main idea behind this company was to work for computer application software. Very first software they launched was that of AutoCAD which later on was considered as the most successful software by the company. Generally Autodesk is an information technology sector company with its branches in more than 30 countries all over the world including Switzerland, Australia, Canada, China and United Kingdom. Presently this company has the 7300 employees working with it and its head quarter is in San Rafael, California in United States of America. The employee growth of Marriott Corporation is about 1% with global revenue of 2.3 billion United States dollars. It was ranked at number one for the best place to work in the year of 1999 just after 17 years to its foundation.
Present Situation
Presently He is living in her hometown state California, USA and is about 64 years of age.
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