Toshitada Doi Inventor of Compact Disc
Toshitada Doi Inventor of Compact Disc Biography of Toshitada Doi Early Life Toshitada Doi inventor of Compact Disc is a very famous inventor and scientist who belongs to the Japanese…
Robert Adler Inventor of Wireless Remote Control
Robert Adler Inventor of Wireless Remote Control Biography of Robert Adler Early Life Robert Adler inventor of wireless remote control was a very famous inventor and scientist who belonged to…
Philip Diehl Inventor of Sewing Machine
Philip Diehl Inventor of Sewing Machine Biography of Philip Diehl Early Life Philip Diehl inventor of sewing machine is considered as an important scientist of the eighteenth century and he…
James Dewar Inventor of Thermos Flask
James Dewar Inventor of Thermos Flask Biography of James Dewar Early Life James Dewar inventor of thermos flask was a famous physicist and chemist too. He is known for his…
Akinfiy Nikitich Demidov Inventor of Rebar
Akinfiy Nikitich Demidov Inventor of Rebar Biography of Akinfiy Nikitich Demidov Early Life Akinfiy Nikitich Demidov inventor of Rebar was a well known inventor and industrials of Steel industry. He…
Humphrey Davy Inventor of Davy Miner Lamp
Humphrey Davy Inventor of Davy Miner Lamp Biography of Humphrey Davy Early Life Humphrey Davy inventor of Davy miner lamp is one of the very well known chemical scientists. He…
Edmund Davy Inventor of Acetylene
Edmund Davy Inventor of Acetylene Biography of Edmund Davy Early Life Edmund Davy inventor of acetylene is one of the best known chemical scientists ever He is also termed sometimes…
William Cullen Inventor of Artificial Refrigerator
William Cullen Inventor of Artificial Refrigerator Biography of William Cullen Early Life William Cullen inventor of artificial refrigerator was a very old scientist and he is considered as a scientist…
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Founder of Biocon
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Founder of Biocon Biography of Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Early Life Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Founder of Biocon Limited was born on 23rd March, 1953 in Kolkata, India. She was…
Karsanbhai Khodidas Patel Founder of Nirma
Karsanbhai Khodidas Patel Founder of Nirma Biography of Karsanbhai Khodidas Patel Early Life Karsanbhai Khodidas Patel founder of Nirma was born in Ruppur, Mehsana of Gujarat in India in 1945. He…