Physical Activity – Is it Important?

Life is beautiful if you know the proper way to love it. Yes, you got my point, Physical activity, exercise or workout offer attractive appearance, peaceful mind, and vigorous body to someone’s. Everybody knows that physical activity or workout cannot only improve physical appearance but also reduce the hazards of various dreadful or cardiovascular diseases. Nowadays, people are facing several diseases just because of hectic routines and lack of physical activity in their lives. In short, physical activity offers a quality life with complete assurance regarding health.
Advantages of daily physical activity
There are various benefits of doing physical activity on a daily basis:
It helps you in reducing your weight
Physical activity adds tolerance in the personality
Also helpful to lower the blood cholesterol level in the human body
It is helpful in reducing the blood pressure
Reduces the LDL cholesterol from the human body and increase the HDL cholesterol.
Physical activity plays an imperative role in decreasing the risk of heart attack especially among males
A way to get fresh, glowing and soft skin as it improves the blood circulation in the human body
Physical activity also lowers the risk of cancer and diabetes
Reduce the chance of falls
You can feel more energetic and relaxed throughout the day
Through physical activity, one can get strong bones and joints.
A peaceful state of mind
A recent study shows that exercise, physical activity, or workout is a way to reduce depression. There are different views that how exercise helps individuals facing depression and other dangerous diseases. We all know that a peaceful mind can perform better than a depressive one. Precisely, physical activity blocks pessimistic thoughts from one’s mind by making it peaceful and relaxed. Physical activity also offers a chance to expand social interaction in a positive manner. It also perks up your sleep patterns and mood. Last but not least, physical activity or exercise improves the working of the brain hormone.
Perform it for an hour a day
If you want to maintain your health than make the habit of doing physical activity for maximum an hour a day. According to researchers, physical activity reduces stress level and offer an energetic and fresh personality. So time to wake up and live a healthy life. Diabetes and cancer patients should perform physical activity for at least an hour per day.
A few Guidelines regarding Physical Activity
According to Australian physical activity center, doing exercise or physical activity is better than sitting idle. If you are not habitual of doing physical activity then start it from today, as it is a way to appear active and fresh for the whole day. However, don’t forget to take food filled with nutrients, proteins, iron, minerals, and vitamins after that. The human body required nourishing food after workout or exercise to maintain the body strength.
Nutrition is important for physical activity
Balanced nutrition is important for physical activity. Food gives you energy for physical activity. Also, drink water 8 to 10 glasses or 1 to 1.5 litre daily because when you exercise you lose lots of water. It is important to get the right amount of nutrients to get energy such as proteins (which are important for muscle building), carbohydrates, and fat (which are sources of energy).
Here are some other benefits you may get with regular physical activity:
There are countless benefits of physical activity such as physical activity helps you to treat stress and tension and boosts your energy levels, it helps you to quit smoking, and it enhances your self-confidence, positive attitude, and outlook and helps you to get good sleep.
Ways to increase physical activity
There are several tips to increase your physical activity daily such as:
Using stairs instead of escalators
Park your car little further from your destination or if your workplace is near then try to
Go on foot
Go for cycling
Go for swimming.
See your doctor first if:
Before starting physical activity try to get advice from your doctor if your age is more than 45 years, you are suffering from cardiac problems or have a high risk of developing cardiac problems, you become breathless quickly, develop chest pain or you are pregnant.
Things that everybody should remember
Before starting physical activity, jumping is good enough to normal the temperature of the body. Moreover, don’t forget to wear loose clothes during exercise time because fitted clothes tighten the human body and disturb blood circulation. Every week, check your weight to comprehend the benefit of physical activity.
Concluding the whole physical activities are best and provides you lots of health benefits. So step by step try to make changes in your life and see results in just one month. Which kind of physical activities do you perform weekly?
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