Sabeer Bhatia Founder of Hotmail

Biography of Sabeer Bhatia
Early Life
Sabeer Bhatia founder of Hotmail is a famous Indian entrepreneur of internet. He was born in the year of 1968 on 30th December in the city of Chandigarh. He was brought up in Bangalore due to migration of his parents to there when he was very young. He was admitted in Bishop School in Pune and he studied for some years in this school and got his early education from there. After this, he moved to Saint Joseph school for further studies. After that, he was sent to United States of America where he studied in California University of Technology for his bachelor’s degree.
Interest in Electrical Engineering and Internet Entrepreneurship
He was interested in electrical engineering and internet entrepreneurship from the time when he was admitted in University of technology of California. After his bachelor’s degree in the same field he joined Stanford University for his Masters in electrical engineering. His interest was not just limited to electrical engineering and on the other hand he was working as an internet entrepreneur and he got his first job due to his work of this field.
Founder of Hotmail
He started his first job at Apple computers after his study as an internet entrepreneur and electrical engineer. He was a firepower system controller in the company and while working in that company, once he came to know that any software can be accessed through any internet browser and he was shocked to know this fact. This thing led him on the way of finding any website. As a result, he cofounded Hotmail with his colleague Jack Smith in the year of 1996 on 4th July.
Hotmail was cofounded by Jack Smith with most contribution of Sabeer Bhatia in the year of 1996 on 4th July. It is generally an email server providing facilities of sending and receiving emails to its users. In present century, hotmail has around 369 million registered user’s world widely and is considered as the world second largest email server after Gmail. It was acquisitioned with Microsoft in year of 1998 and became the default email provider of Windows XP.
Present Situation
Sabeer Bhatia was the first chief executive officer of Hotmail and he led this email server to become world second largest email server. Presently he is almost 45 years of age and is considered as the famous internet entrepreneur of India. He has a total net worth of more than 11 billion dollars which is just because of Hotmail.
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