Scholarships for Belgians Students

Intermediate/O-Level/A-Level/BS/Undergraduate/ Masters/Graduate/Postgraduate/PhD/ Post Doctoral Degrees
Study in: Belgium and Abroad
Scholarships for Belgians Students
The total literacy rate is 99% in Belgium. In Belgium, education is compulsory from 6 to 18 years of age. According to OECD countries in 2002, Belgium had the third highest proportion of 18- to 21-year-olds enrolled in post secondary education, at 42%. The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), coordinated by the OECD, currently ranks Belgium’s education as the 19th best in the world. In Belgium the education is regulated and for the larger part financed by one of the three communities: Flemish, French and German-speaking. All these communities have a unified education/school system with small differences from one community to another community. The federal government plays a very small role in the education system of Belgium. In Belgium education system the schools can be divided in three groups:
- Schools owned by the communities
- Subsidized public schools
- Subsidized free schools
This page is especially made for sharing scholarships for Belgians students. They can find both local and international scholarships. The scholarships are for different levels such as Intermediate / Higher Secondary School / A level Scholarships, Secondary School / Matric / O Level Scholarships, BS / BA / Bachelor Scholarships, MS / MA / Master Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Graduate Scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships, Postdoctoral Scholarships, Fellowship / Research Scholarships, Training / Certificate / Diploma Scholarships. The details of each scholarship is provided on the following links where you can find the subjects, eligibility criteria, how to apply and contact details to look for some scholarship award options you could be eligible for. Once you find that you fulfill all the conditions then prepare your documents and apply immediately.
Scholarships in Belgium
Local/national scholarships for Belgium students who want to pursue their education in different schools, colleges and universities, institutions of Belgium. There are several local/national scholarships provided for Belgium students by different organizations, foundations and universities such as Ghent University Scholarships, CIUF CUD Scholarships,Erasmus Mundus Scholarships, KU Leuven University Scholarships, Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Scholarships, World Bank Robert S. McNamara Scholarships, Government of Flanders Scholarships
International Scholarships for Belgians Students
International scholarships are for the Belgians students who want to pursue their education in foreign schools, colleges, institutes and universities who are offering exceptional scholarships for Belgians Students on the basis of their excellent academic record. There are several international scholarships provided such as Nuffic Netherlands Scholarships, Maybank Foundation Scholarships, Malaysian Security Commission (SC) Scholarships,OSCE Academy Scholarships and other famous ones are provided at the link below.
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