Scholarships for Bulgarians Students

Intermediate / Bachelors / Masters / PhD / Post Doctoral / Undergraduate / Graduate / Postgraduate / Doctoral / Research / Training Degrees
2021-2022 Scholarships in Bulgaria and Abroad
Scholarships for Bulgarians Students
Bulgaria, officially the Republic of Bulgaria is a country in southeastern Europe. It is surrounded by Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east. Population of Bulgaria is 7.4 million. It has 28 provinces. In Bulgaria, all ethnic groups speak Bulgarian, either as a first/native or as a second language. Bulgarian is the only language with official status and native for 85.2 % of the population of Bulgari. The oldest written Slavic language, Bulgarian is distinguishable from the other languages in this group through certain grammatical peculiarities such as the lack of noun cases and infinitives, and a suffixed definite article. Bulgaria is a secular state with guaranteed religious freedom to any community, but assigns Orthodoxy as a “traditional” religion.The Bulgarian Orthodox Church gained autocephalous status in 927 AD, and currently has 12 dioceses and over 2,000 priests. More than three-quarters people of Bulgarians subscribe to Eastern Orthodoxy.In Bulgaria Sunni Muslims are the second largest community and constitute 10% of the religious makeup, however a majority of them do not pray and find the use of Islamic veils in schools unacceptable. Less than 3% are attached with other religions, 11.8% do not self-identify with a religion and 21.8% refused to state their beliefs about religion.
In 2003 the literacy rate at 98.6% in Bulgaria. Educational standards have been traditionally high, However still far from European education and in continuing deterioration for the past decade. In 2001, Bulgarian students were among the highest scoring in the world in terms of reading. In 2006, Bulgarians students performing better than their Canadian and German counterparts, scores in reading, math and science had deteriorated. State and government expenditures for education are far below the European Union average. In Bulgaria, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science partially funds public schools, colleges and universities, which sets criteria for textbooks and oversees the publishing process.The Bulgaria State provides free education in primary and secondary public schools to everyone. In Bulgaria high schools can be technical, vocational, general or specialized in a certain discipline or couses, while higher education consists of a 4-year bachelor degree and a 1-year master’s degree.
International Scholarships for Bulgarians Students
International scholarships are for Bulgarians students who want to continue their study in foreign schools, colleges, institutes and universities, who are offering exceptional scholarships to Bulgarians Students. There are several international scholarships like Research and Development Management (RADMA) Scholarships, The Global Development Institute (GDI) Scholarships, The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship, East Tennessee State University (ETSU) Scholarships, Kader Asmal Fellowship Program, The President’s National and International Entrance Scholarships, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) Scholarships, Georgetown University Scholarships , Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) Scholarships and many other are given in the link.
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