Scholarships for Cambodian Students

Intermediate / Bachelors / BA / BS / B.Sc / Masters / MA / MS / M.Sc / PhD / Post Doctoral Degrees
2021-2022 Scholarships in Cambodia and Abroad
Scholarships for Cambodian Students
Cambodia is known as kingdom of Cambodia and also known as the Khmer Empire. Its total area is 181,035 square kilometers that are surrounded by Thailand to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. Cambodia population is 15 million. Cambodia is the 70th most populous country in the world. Cambodia capital is Phnom Penh and it is the largest city of the country. Official language of the country is Khmer. French, once the language of government in Indochina, is still spoken by many older Cambodians. French is also the language used in some schools and universities that are established by the government of France. Cambodia official religion is the Theravada Buddhism. Cambodian Buddhism is deeply pervaded by Hinduism. Islam is followed by about 2% of the population.
Education in Cambodia is under the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is for establishing national policies and guidelines. The Cambodian education system is heavily categorized, with 3 main levels of government, central, provincial and district. Cambodia education is free and compulsory education for 9 years to everyone in country. In 2008, 77.6% of the population was literate with 85.1% of men and 70.9% of women of the population. In Cambodia the education system is to face many challenges, but now many improvements in the Cambodia education system with the passage of time. The largest university is the University of Phnom Penh of the Cambodia. Other universities are University of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Fine Arts. There are both privates and public institutes.
International scholarships for Cambodian Students
International Scholarships for Cambodia students who want to pursue their education in foreign schools, colleges, institutes and universities who are offering exceptional scholarships to Cambodia Students on the basis of their excellent academic record and financial need. There are several international scholarships such as HEC Paris Scholarships, Bocconi University Scholarships, Chalmers University of Technology Scholarships, University of Gothenburg Scholarships, Indian Government Scholarships, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Scholarships, Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Scholarships and other are given in the international Scholarships link.
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