Scholarships for Colombian Students

Intermediate / Bachelors / BA / Undergraduate / Masters / MA / Graduate / PhD / Postgraduate / Post Doctoral Degrees
2021-2022 Scholarships in Colombia and Abroad
Scholarships for Colombian Students
Republic of Colombia is a country located in the northwest of South America. Colombia bordered to the northwest by Panama, to the east by Venezuela and Brazil, to the south by Ecuador and Peru. Population of Colombia in November 2015 estimated 48,400,388. Colombia big and largest city is Bogotá, D.C, and it is also capital of the Colombia. The foreign relationships of Colombia are under by the President, as head of state, and managed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In Colombia Peso (COP) is used as a currency. Spanish is the officially language of the country. More than 99.2% of Colombians speak Spanish. 101 languages are listed which spoken in the country, including the Spanish. The National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) does not collect religious statistics in the country. However, more than 90% of the Colombia population is following the Christianity religion.
A total of 93.6% of the population are literate in the country. Basic education for Colombian children is compulsory by law. Colombia education includes nursery school education, elementary school education, high school education, technical instruction and university education. University education is categories into under graduate degrees programs and post-graduate degrees programs and is regulated by the 30th law of 1992 in the country. 5 years long university degrees. Technical instruction formation usually lasts 3 years. Post-graduate education includes specializations, masters and PhD programs degree. There are many privates and public institutes (school, college). There are several universities and institutes for higher education and technical institute education. There more than 5,500 research groups in science and technology.
International Scholarships for Colombian Students
International scholarships are for the Colombian students who want to pursue their education in foreign schools, colleges, and universities. That are offering different scholarships for Colombian Students on the basis of their needy and good academic record. There are several international scholarships such as Loughborough University Scholarships, University College London (UCL) Scholarships, University of British Columbia Scholarships, The Hague University of Applied Sciences Scholarships, Curtin University Scholarships, Paris-Saclay University Scholarships and several others scholarships are given in the link.
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